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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. you can do that yourself in the client settings: Even though just ignoring them is just fine
  2. this^ put the osbot jar in a proper location, NOT onedrive desktop
  3. Welcome back! goodluck finding your account
  4. Ya I found the issue, fix should be live later today
  5. Khal Caged Ogres updated to V2.07: - Fixed cannon placing after break or on start. - Will hop worlds when a second cannon is detected nearby Will be live soon! Enjoy
  6. I'm pushing an update late today with somne improvements
  7. hmm that could be it, I will add something for that! EDIT, should fix your issue Khal Agility (All in One) updated to V2.45: - Will now drop junk items (vial, jug, pie dish). Will be live soon Enjoy
  8. Stealth is the best atm, mirror is still viable if you like
  9. WEll the guard in ardy are just annoying, they can wander around any stall Check out the cake stall in zeah it's more safe since it's more contained
  10. checking this out today, will keep you up to date. Did you run out of ammo by any chance when this happend?
  11. You don't have too? if you are having issues with that your script logic is probably not correct. You have an onLoop that loops all the time, if you have a check in there you have everything you need. If you are using events, you can just check for it in the event and call setFinished(); Feel free to share some code ^^ Easier to tell what you are trying to do
  12. Wellt hat sucks, but instead of complaining and blaming a bot for a missclick you should look into using a more safe method for you hcim (aka as zeah). Thieving in ardy with paladins and guards nearby on a hcim is somewhat testing your rng, especially on a low hp acc. Easy 2 hit Missclicks can always happen, especially if you are pickpocketing on a low level acc... No sorry
  13. Enjoy! Enjoy! Well it should always wait to break until the current game is done. If it still goes over, restart your client. Sometimes the random executor just gets stuck for some reason
  14. I have no idea what is wrong for you, never heard this before. Can you grab a screenshot when it does this?
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