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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Probably a client missclick, not much I can do about that
  2. Well you are the first asking for it If you can provide an acc with access to all of this, I will take a look to add it, else it's going to be too much of a hassle for me
  3. That really has nothing to do with the script... that's thin hat foil theories
  4. No sorry I might take a look to add this
  5. 1. I disabled the option to stop the script a while ago bcs there were some issues with banking, will enabled that again 2. Idk about the second option, zmi is pretty death content nowadays 3. it should already do this, will do some tests Khal Runecrafter updated to V3.91: - Big overhaul of banking - Refactored code to work better with runepouch and staves to check for runes. Live soon! Enjoy
  6. 1.Well you can always have a buy task setup with a bunch of items, and there is an option to only buy what ou don;t have After that you can put a gearing task to equip it. 2. I'll see what i can do about that, you only have to make it once anyway. You can sue this for items names: https://www.osrsbox.com/tools/item-search/ 3. Atm it probably won't but I might add somehting for it when no path can be made. 4. I can take a loot to combine items pieces Enjoy the trial
  7. Strange! https://discord.gg/N5qbNk6
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