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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It's just a stupid way of saying : "You entered the wrong login details" OR What @Space said ^^
  2. My Host was having migration issues, should ahe been fixed about 10h ago
  3. Well a big option of the game is to counter the fires, if nobody does they spread and everyone is f*cked ont hat island, even legit players Make sure you have douse fires option enabled, else it;s going to ignore fires completely Also make sure it's zoomed out, so it can see the fires and douse them properly. ^^
  4. Khal Thiever (All in One) udpated to V1.39: - Added some inventory constraints and validations when adding a task Live soon! Enjoy
  5. How are you going to thief with 28 food in your inventory? you inventory is full before even starting I will add a constraint to it so you can't input stuff like this
  6. Should be fixed about 10h ago, My host was having migration issues Enjoy the trial, all the added methods are ont he first page, but yes they are
  7. What shortcut rock? There is no rock there as far as I know I run a few accs non stop here and never saw this "bug"?
  8. Ya the magic script is indeed mainly meant to do everything except for killing enemies ^^
  9. Sounds almost impossible, show me some screenshots and send me the settings you are using
  10. Ahh I see Those names are indeed confusing though
  11. Thieving is fairly decent for banns, especially Vyres and Elves are super good atm ^^
  12. Sure does, use Piscatoris area
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