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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I have no idea what you mean by this...
  2. You can simply check the rotation of a player, might be easier than checking it like that myPlayer().getRotation() If you enable myPlayer debug in the debug tab, it will be included. If interacting with an entity these values sometimes shift a little bit. 0 = South 256 = South-West 512 = West 768 = North-West 1024 = North 1280 = North-East 1536 = East 1792 = South-East
  3. Grab a screenshot if you see something like that so I can always check ^^ There is so many different cases that's impossible to check everything, easier if it narrows down to only a few
  4. Khal Tithe farm updated to V1.09: - Updated to work with the new update Should be live in a few hours Enjoy! I activated your trial, make sure to grab some seeds yourself until version V1.09 is live
  5. Meant the entity hover option in the debug section, but you already found it
  6. You already have an expired trial on this script
  7. Undead tree is an NPC probably, if you hover it with Entity hover option it will tell you
  8. You check the Y coordinate to be in the actual visible rectangle
  9. The problem is that if you delete java 11 for example the java home path stays pointing to java 11 and doesn't change back to a previous version automatically. Just run a jarfix, https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html Fixes 99% of the issues when installing/uninstalling/swapping versions
  10. First off all a trial is to see if a script just does what it has to do, not to grind something ... xD It doesn't drop it, It would be stupid to drop a golden tench right? Enjoy the 24h trial ^^
  11. take some screenshots and check your console, hard ot help with barely any info
  12. It already stops when I can't find specific items, if nto take screenshots and report it.
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