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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy! you got 24h access
  2. onStart should always run after being logged in, very rarely it could happen earlier. You sure your code is correct? I use this in a lot of my scripts and never heard of an issues with this
  3. Khal Woodcutter (All in One) updated to V2.46: - Fixed tree renaming Live soon! Enjoy!
  4. All good! Both issues are already resolved and pending in de next version, but all good man! Also, "Barely working" is a bit extreme and pretty much bullshit don;t you think? Sounds more like a harrassment if you swy it like that tbh. Tons of people are running this daily and almost never have issues. and if so now and then, 90% of the time it gets updated within 24h I don't expect you to get the utilities script, it was just a possible solution. I can add the functionality to buy the items.
  5. No this is mainly smithing at an anvil Enjoy trhe trial!
  6. Added both in V1.05: Khal Fighter updated to V1.05: - A few small bug fixed on the GUI - Added new food types - Efficiency increase while fighting monsters Live soon! Enjoy
  7. No trials on this script
  8. It does not light a fire, it does use other fires though if they are close tot he fishing spot Either fires players started or everlasting fires like in barb village
  9. Bit lower than average but those are somewhat the rates you can expect if you are cooking the fishes and going for permits. Else make sure it;s zoomed out, you ahve douse fires on ^^ using a draogn harpoon increases exp rates aswell
  10. - It always zooms out at start, all my scripts do and it's part of a base setup on Start. - Will take a looka t that, but that's why I have a utilities script that you can use to queue tasks in front or behind scripts with the Queue Grab some screeshots of this, impossible to checkr or recreate it like this - The hopping worlds issues should eb fixed in the upcoming version. I does not gets stuck as far as I know and I ran hunderds of accs through this, it takes some time to continue as it;s waiting for osbot event to time out, something with osbot dialogue system that I can't change
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