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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I haven't used an ID in the past 9 years This just happends when you cooked stuff already and u lvld up and have to interact with the range again with a cooked vriant in your inventory. You can disable level up popup message in your settings and you are good to go until this is fixed. EDIT: Fixed the issue, apparently OSRS changed the way you can burn food, this was not possible if you did not complete witches house quest, now you can also burn without the quest Khal Cooker (All in One) updated to V1.27: - Fixed cooking chicken and meat (burning option revamp) Live soon! Enjoy
  2. You alredy have an expired trial on the crafter
  3. Khal fighter (All in One) updated to V1.08: - Added poison potion handler + Respective potions (Antipotion, Super antipoison) - Added AntiFire potion handler + respectivfe potions (Antifire, Extended antifire, Super antifore, Extended Super anitfire) - Added myths' guild bank across all my scripts - Added several monsters some locations (NO wildy support yet) (Green dragon, Blue dragon, Red dragon, Black dragon, Experiments, Forgotten souls, Iron dragon, Ogress warriors & shamans, Pyrelords, Yaks) Will be live soon! Enjoy
  4. No trials on this script
  5. it's on my toto list after I finish other things first
  6. You already have an expired trial on this script
  7. Eqasy to do what exactly?
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