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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. oh that's strange, it should disable it byu default when mirror is on. Will check this out! Make sure the spelling is correct, no spaces in front or behind and the correct ' sign Try to equip everything and press load current gear?
  2. well I never heard about that and tons of people are running it with no issues So with this info I can't help, I need: log, status, inventory, equipment, zoom level, ... Which is basicly 1 screenshot
  3. Enjoy! What do you mean by this?
  4. Well that's UIM for you xD One of the worst modes ever
  5. Just bring 1 food? It will always stop when there are none in your bank anymore
  6. I will have to take a look at that
  7. Host is down to download images atm, waiting for them to fix it
  8. Well the moment it start it also stops as you set it back to false after doing this if(super.shouldActivate() || breakNow) {
  9. Will have to check as it's a different currency
  10. It only uses that when it needs to actually bank
  11. Can you even buy and sell at the shop as an ironman if it's overstocked/understocked?
  12. ya thats kinda general knowledge if you run 10hp accs there The skeleton can hit 4 or 5's I believe
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