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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. IF it was a fresh account then you got your answer there F2p and fresh accounts are the highest possible ban rates there is in the game There are no bugs, it's always possiible to click a npc that just got attacked, it's just if you bot chicks en cows on fresh accs (especially in f2p) you will most likely get banned fairly quick as most account builder pass through this region and method, avoid hotspots
  2. No sorry, breaks are dependant on the crops and when they are ready and a random delay added to that
  3. It's pretty much impossible top get banned that quick tbh, what other things have you been botting? Or your behaviour from the acc changed so much or botting in hotspots in f2p area
  4. I feel it's like personal preference at this point
  5. No sorry, just bring some cakes for now until the update is live
  6. No trials on this script
  7. There is still a client issue, devs are working on it. Should be an update in a few hours.
  8. There is still an issue with this version, there will be a fix in a few hours! Please be patient until the devs fixed all issues
  9. Ya could have happend, I added something today to pick it up in case this ever happend
  10. Seems to be a client issue after todays big game update, devs let us know there will be a fix out tomorrow
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