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  1. Hey ! So I purchased the script and so far everything is working fine, however just a suggestion as the food i use is Cake do you think you can add into the script for it to eat the full cake rather than eating one slice and not anymore? Thank you!
  2. Hey Eagle! Don't suppose i could get a trail?
  3. Little over a month ago I posted this... can happily say i achieved 99 using this script. Using the correct techniques along with a very good script maximises the chances of an account to a skill. Thank you Czar for such a flawless script, from start to finish I hardly encountered any issues and those I did were solved within the next few days. ?
  4. Thank you! Presume you will also update the Javelin's haha, still have the problem now but going back to cutting longs for now! ?
  5. Good luck! I'm currently working on my skiller so will be interesting to follow your progress too!
  6. Im having the same problem when fletching Dragon Javelin's, unsure if there is anything we can do but as long as Czar knows i'm sure they will do something about it. So far the script has been perfect, just this is the first issue i have encountered using it! ?
  7. Hey guys, I am Automatic, as you can see i created this account back in January but ever since I haven't been active on the RS Scene at all, but let me tell you a little bit about myself... I've "played" Runescape since 2003 when i was the tender age of 6 years old (believe it or not) with the help of my older brother who introduced me into the game, I don't really remember a great deal about the game back then and for a great part I definitely didn't play the game properly it was more pretending to be farmers, and exploring distant lands with friends rather than leveling up my character efficiently but as time passed and I grew older my understanding of the game and my hunger for higher levels grew and around 2007-2008 I met a friend online called "England1255" the fact i still remember his name says a lot, while we were both woodcutting, the thing is although we would both be online for the same time after school every day, he would gain 2-3+ levels on me overnight, which confused me. I asked him like "how u lvl so quik?" and I remember him telling me about RSBot, he even gave me a full tutorial of how to set it up over in game private chat and that night I ran my first woodcutting script. Now this was at a time where I could play legit for 6 hours after school and leave my bot running for 9 hours over night and not get a ban, in-fact the same account i did this on is still up with me today (I achieved max combat, 99 wc, fishing, runecrafting and many more both using bots and playing). Those days have long gone and through many other bots I've used over the years Robotz in Disguise (RiD), RsBuddy, p****bot... I suppose the last leg of my runescape phase (I fear im growing out of it now at the age of 21) will be spent with OsBot as i have heard positive recommendations from botting friends about the amazing scripts and the great community. I look forward to script developments (I'll be using several) and meeting more like-minded people. "The danger in the past is that men would become slaves, the danger now is that men may become robots" ?Auto?
  8. Been using this script for about a week now and so far it has performed flawlessly! Very hopeful that i can achieve 99 using this script with the correct botting techniques so thank you for the great script man ! ?
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