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  1. How long did you let it run??
  2. You could just add it to the exceptions correct? Instead of downloading another file is this truly a false positive? @Maldesto
  3. same issue, except now my computer is attacking it every time it tries to load the stream. saying its a trojan
  4. @Khaleesi I’m not sure if it’s the first one but I reached 99 smithing doing adamant platebodies with your this Script! Thanks for the years of amazing scripts! https://ibb.co/ZcF6cwR
  5. EDIT* Is the update live already? Noticed while running it today that it got stuck on the selection screen again. Hey thanks! Gotten me a few levels from 90 already! Even if I have to watch it it’s still great! @Khaleesi
  6. @KhaleesiI bought this script and for the first couple hours I’m extremely impressed! However, it did get stuck a couple times on the smith item selection screen. This was after it had smithed all the bars. I’ll try to get a screenshot if need be. Could this be a setting? I have esc to close interface off and zoomed all the way out.
  7. How long are people running this script each time? Just hit 99 woodcutting with your WC script @Khaleesi Looking to do another
  8. Very cool! Loving the script. Safely got me to 91 so far!
  9. Was just curious if there was a means to prevent needing to relog. As it seemed to happen within 5-10 minute intervals. Which, to me, seems a little sus, but if that’s how it’s supposed to work then all good.
  10. @Khaleesi Any specific settings to keep it from being logged out at redwoods? cant seem to go more than 20 minutes without logging out due to 5 minute idle.
  11. Will be trying for a second 99 at barb fishing soon on an ironman this time! made it to 21m fishing exp barbarian fishing with no ban on another account with this script.
  12. What's up, bro?


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