It is difficult to actually be in the profit at all at first. It is all about trial and error. It will probably not be worth it at first, but you will learn a lot.
But since you're looking to profit off rip here's what you could try:
1. Figure out a gold farming method.
2. Calculate how much it will cost you to run a farm with X accounts. (Scripts, Hardware/VPS, Membership, Proxies, Accounts)
3. Calculate how much it will gain you from running a farm with X accounts.
4. Compare results from steps 2 and 3. If no profit then go back to step one.
5. Train or buy accounts
6. Bot away. Use paid or private scripts, mirror mode, VMs, hardware mouse, good proxies, frequent breaks and sleep schedules to avoid bans.
Best of luck!
Prices from my experience: $3 for socks5 proxy, $2 for 16days membership, use my own hardware, train my own accounts, write my own scripts.