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    Monkey nuts

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  1. I believe the username should be drossman97
  2. Thank you! Hopefully some more scripts coming soon!
  3. Absolutely its half as much but rubies does boost the xp/hr quite a bit. Diamonds are 4x more than rubies for gp/xp edit: but thank you, yeah maybe I should add gui option for what to grind or progressive mode.
  4. Thank ya sir Just added download link for those who are interested
  5. It is difficult to actually be in the profit at all at first. It is all about trial and error. It will probably not be worth it at first, but you will learn a lot. But since you're looking to profit off rip here's what you could try: 1. Figure out a gold farming method. 2. Calculate how much it will cost you to run a farm with X accounts. (Scripts, Hardware/VPS, Membership, Proxies, Accounts) 3. Calculate how much it will gain you from running a farm with X accounts. 4. Compare results from steps 2 and 3. If no profit then go back to step one. 5. Train or buy accounts 6. Bot away. Use paid or private scripts, mirror mode, VMs, hardware mouse, good proxies, frequent breaks and sleep schedules to avoid bans. Best of luck! Prices from my experience: $3 for socks5 proxy, $2 for 16days membership, use my own hardware, train my own accounts, write my own scripts.
  6. Also I would never buy proxys off a site that is advertised as runescape/botting/gaming proxys. They will most likely already be flagged and someone else's sloppy seconds. Look into other socks5 providers.
  7. If IP is flagged then you cant bot off it, you'll get banned very quickly every time. Also use mirror mode.
  8. Thanks I think it would need around 150k rubies to 99. I'm going to try to add "sell-back" where it takes your cut gems and sells them and buys more uncut gems, so you wouldn't have to start with 150k rubies if you were to go for 99.
  9. Zez's 1-99 Progressive Crafter This script will progressively train your crafting with no level required. Currently geared for F2P. Members methods may come in the future. Start next to a bank. Provide crafting supplies in bank or inventory. (see below) I've been able to get from 1-35 in under 20 minutes. Progressive Script This script will automatically switch tasks based on your crafting level! Phase One Requirements: 214 Leather, 50+ Thread, Needle 1-7 Crafting: Crafts leather gloves. 7-9 Crafting: Crafts leather boots. 9-11 Crafting: Crafts leather cowls. 11-14 Crafting: Crafts leather vambraces. 14-18 Crafting: Crafts leather bodies. 18-20 Crafting: Crafts leather chaps. Phase Two Requirements: Chisel, 106 Sapphires, 155 Emeralds, X Rubies 20-27 Crafting: Cuts uncut sapphires. 27-34 Crafting: Cuts uncut emeralds. 34-99 Crafting: Cuts uncut rubies. Note: I left out diamonds as they are much more costly and don't provide a relative amount of additional XP. Progress Reports TO DO - Add experience per hour - Might add GE sell-back/restocking support Going to continue to add features in the near future! Installation Click here to view or add on the SDN!
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