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Community Answers

  1. Like Mind Tricks said. Use VPN, because they have DDoS protection, so it will halt small attacks. If it's DoS attack you could try to get this guy's IP-address and report it to your internet provider.Or just contact you provider, they probably can see proof of the attack from the logs. If this guy is using zombies just go with the VPN.
  2. Aeon

    New COD

    Black Ops 2 was last cod with zombies. Lore wise it ends with the last dlc map.
  3. I have FX-8350 and one instance takes about 5% of CPU usage. Running Windows 8.
  4. You don't usually buy seperate cooler for CPU just because of overclocking. Usually with stock coolers temperature is notably higher under stress => loud fan noise. And of course it saves your CPU when it doesn't heat too much.
  5. What the hell would you do with 144hz monitor? Your eyes can't see difference between 100hz and 140hz.With 100hz and 140hz difference is only about 3 milliseconds. @OP: Your graphic cards are over the top, you could run every game at max with only one card, so why buy 2?
  6. I'm gonna release script for this too, when my exams are over.
  7. Use getFacingID to detect if you're interacting with fishing spot. When false interact with fishing spot, then it should automatically find new fishing spot, if interacting with whirlpool. Nice paint by the way.
  8. If you want good and cheap gaming & multimedia box in living room. Build computer and install SteamOS/Windows 8 and XBMC to it and hook controller to it.
  9. You don't have to use them, if you don't want to. I just don't understand how understanding multi-dimensional arrays would be harder than single-dimensional.
  10. Yes, if Sony adds support for it in the OS. Probably they are not gonna do that.
  11. What's the difference between stealth and normal injection?
  12. On my pc, it only uses 8% on normal cpu mode.
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