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Everything posted by mousey225

  1. been out the botting business for few months now, this interested me tho, what's ban rate like? if any haha
  2. lol next time use breaks fegit
  3. Well yea, not surprising when you remove 2 key players from the team it was bound to happen. Thiago silva was our best defender and Neymar our best striker
  4. Didn't even know they were allowed to show rape on TV
  5. I'm not complaining, I make 40x back from these scripts per month than what I pay + more money for scripters means better quality scripts, so all seems good to me
  6. sweet man, good luck :P I'll buy any bronze (g) off ya ;)
  7. This ^ if you pay for membs with bonds and bot you have a far higher chance of getting banned. I run 3 gold farming accounts, none banned, not even 2 day bans, been running em last 2 weeks around 17 hours of botting per day on each one. Difference is I pay for my membs on those accounts with $ not bonds
  8. Yea they know what the issues are. Just need to wait till OSbot 2.1.18 which I hope comes out today
  9. I would be careful botting on public VPN's though. Some of the IP's on VPN's may already be flagged, if you can get a private IP on a VPN
  10. Sounds like all your accounts got nailed because you were on the same IP.
  11. Astril is a good VPN, pretty cheap too. If you're looking for client proxies get one from Arctic
  12. Looks like the site may have been running an exploit kit. Very rare to find nowadays as they cost several thousand $ usually. What it does is it scans your computer for any software you run using few detection methods, software such as adobe or Java. These exploit kits are filled with exploits for versions of these programs, if one of these pieces of software on your computer is in a version with an open working exploit it will attempt to exploit it which can take several days depending on the exploit. Not all exploits give access to them keylogging/remote access but usually they give some form of access. All I can say is make sure you keep everything updated, there is a reason to why a lot of these software's such as Java update so often. Sorry for your loss man
  13. Botting locations with very few people will significantly decrease your ban rate too. Bans are actually influenced by player reports a lot more now, if you get reported more than 4-5 times within 1-2 days for macroing you will most likely be checked by Mod Wealth and most probably banned. Bot in isolated locations, fresh IP and for no more than 14 hours per day and your accounts may even last weeks, it has worked for me.
  14. I spoke to Eric, he says randoms work, just the thing that stops the script during a random solver is broken. Laz and him are currently working on it in Skype according to them and it will hopefully be fixed soon.
  15. You forgot to pick it back up... well you'll never do that again
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