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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Crog is that you?

  2. Did you sell anything on Ebay or Amazon?
  3. Guess who's back :3

  4. Agreed private scripts are way better for ban rates.
  5. What is it you require? : 10 freshies off of tut island What price are you wanting to pay? : we will discuss Are you going first or will we use an MM? : I'll go first What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : 2 hours Do you agree to TOS? : Yes For your safety and mine PM me your Skype. Have you pmed me it? : No , doing so now.
  6. Hmu on skype: sklipz.rsgold
  7. Mirror client version: 1.03v Console output / terminal output: Event handler not responding Crash report if a crash occurred: Nothing occurs on script startup Script that you ran: Dream chopper, kCutter, and multiple others. Hooks that failed: None
  8. That is the only message that is displayed in the console? Nothing happens when I start scripts?
  9. "Donations for projects are allowed", yeah.
  10. *Hint Private scripts are how gold farmers go undetected.
  11. SKlipz


    I've had a few mains banned on a few ips with hunter lately. It's depressing.
  12. SKlipz


    Nope, username login, 70+ att/str/def, 60 slay, etc. It was a medium level main and got wrekt.
  13. Current Swapping Rate: 07 -> RS3 1:6 Current Swapping Rate: RS3 -> 07 1:8
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