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Everything posted by Slickk

  1. Don't bans come from the client you use along with the character behavior? Like you can have the most human-like bot imaginable but if the osbot client is detected, you'd still get banned.
  2. Still catching accounts trying to log into f2p worlds ?
  3. Make the investments for members accounts. You'll see profit, just be patient. Not gonna happen instantly.
  4. You gotta find your own methods people aren't going to leak their f2p methods.
  5. The method is typed correctly, the only error I get is that it's undefined. When I right click, I don't see an import option.
  6. I've been on this page but I'm not sure what I type exactly. When I try to use selectOption it gives me an error "The method is undefined for the type"
  7. I do 2 ips to 1 for my private script
  8. I've recently discovered that there's a pretty big market for clash accounts. Anyone have any experience with this? I've googled it and there are a few bots out there. I've never played the game before.
  9. True, but I haven't been on the site too long so I'm not trusted.
  10. Yeah I'm projected to net like 20m a day, but I work full time so I don't want to be bothered with constantly finding solo traders.
  11. I've recently run into some success with my mini bot farm and I'm at the point now where I need to look for potential buyers. Not interested in selling privately, so does anybody have a list of trusted gold buying sites I can compare to get the best deal? I'd google it myself, but I'm not sure what's legit and what's not. As of now, the only site I know of is boglagold. Appreciate the help.
  12. got banned within a few hours don't buy.
  13. Thanks fellas lol I figured. Thanks man.
  14. I've been wanting to make some cash on the side from OSRS lately. Nothing crazy, maybe like 50 to 100 bucks a week. My question is, what bot is the best to run that makes halfway decent cash with low reqs that won't be detected? I was using the team cape Agility script for a few days to farm marks of grace. That went okay for a few days but one of my accounts recently got banned. Any suggestions? I plan on buying VIP status once I find a reliable script to run more than two bots at a time. Also willing to buy premium scripts. Thanks.
  15. Got me banned after 4 hours of running the script.
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