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Everything posted by Fay

  1. Fay

    Free Vip

    If you can successfully submit an exp update request to my hiscores. Website found here: https://fayosbot.appspot.com/main Github with files here: https://github.com/Calvingr8n/fayosbot Script to submit data: static void AddData() throws IOException { URL theURL = new URL("https://fayosbot.appspot.com/api/request/create"); URLConnection uc = theURL.openConnection(); uc.addRequestProperty("secretKey", "GOODLUCK"); uc.addRequestProperty("name", "Challenge"); uc.addRequestProperty("exp", "1337"); uc.addRequestProperty("time", "5"); uc.addRequestProperty("password", "freevip"); uc.addRequestProperty("state", "Accepted"); uc.addRequestProperty("position", "[-1,-1,-1]"); uc.getInputStream(); } I have given you the name, password, script and a way in. All you have to do is submit the data and prove you submitted it. Good luck everyone. May bump this to free Sponsor.
  2. It sucks. My siblings left the place trashed before they left. I cleaned their rooms and haven't been in since. Out of all the rooms I use master, laundry, living, kitchen, Mbath. Over half the house hasn't been seen in like ~year.
  3. Nope. She is just a really great mom. When I started college she took the family and left me the house.
  4. Apaec is faster on average by 90ms on my computer. Apaec vs. Czar 69.194 159.609 Baseline code: package dateBaseLiner; public class IWannaBeLikeKanye { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int f = 0; f < 1000; f++) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int a = 0; a < 1000; a++) { for (int y = 0; y < 1000; y++) { format(startTime); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println((endTime - startTime)); } } public static String format(final long time) { final int sec = (int) (time / 1000), h = sec / 3600, m = sec / 60 % 60, s = sec % 60; return (h < 10 ? "0" + h : h) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" + s : s); } public static String tformat(long time) { StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(); long total_secs = time / 1000L; long total_mins = total_secs / 60L; long total_hrs = total_mins / 60L; int secs = (int) total_secs % 60; int mins = (int) total_mins % 60; int hrs = (int) total_hrs % 24; if (hrs < 10) { t.append("0"); } t.append(hrs).append(":"); if (mins < 10) { t.append("0"); } t.append(mins).append(":"); if (secs < 10) { t.append("0"); } t.append(secs); return t.toString(); } }
  5. New account before getting proxy? No. Buy proxy, make new account through the proxy and go from there. If you log in with that lvl 30 or any other account that has logged in where a flagged one logged in, that proxy will be flagged.
  6. I own accounts A B C all created from different IPs. I play with A legit at home. I bot on B at home. I bot on C at VPN1. B just recieved a 2 day ban. A is now flagged because same IP as B. C is fine, because it is not associated from what they can tell. B was now perm banned. I create account D on the same IP as B was banned. D is now flagged. I log in to the VPN1 thinking it would be safer to bot on those. Now C has just been flagged. If you want to start fresh, you LITERALLY have to start fresh. Delete all ties to old accounts and start with brand new everything.
  7. They ban you because they can because you are breaking the rules of their game. It has nothing to do with being money hungry or else they would never ban FTP accounts until they where made member.
  8. Look up the lease information for your public IP for your router. Turn off your router until 5 minutes after that time. Your internet providers' DHCP server will issue you a new IP from the pool.
  9. And this is why I need scripting friends that are better than me. Beautiful code!
  10. My dads name is Chris, you are so embarrassing dad. Let me game in peace.
  11. Fay

    Cons Of F2P Pking

    That was a nice insite to f2p pking as it is today. When I dm'd I would ALWAYS fight till I died. But if I was winning in a dm they would run. People suck.
  12. Lucky you must be in college where all of the people are topless.
  13. I love my mom she is super nice. This is now a mom thread. How is everyone elses mom?
  14. Dude your account was just made.. I assume you have been banned before lol.
  15. Eventually you will find that person who will annoy the shit out of you so bad but you cant help but to love. 2 years with my SO. Annoyed every day but I am totally cool with it because of all the crazy stuff we do together.
  16. You mean the consistent push back of OSB2 release. It doesn't matter anyways, everyone returns eventually to this forum.
  17. Fay

    Ingame Cows

    osrsrf2014 go to django in game and enter that code. case sen
  18. "How does this bra look?" "It looks fine as long as I can put a bag over your head."
  19. murgee auto clicker. Tons of cracks online.
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