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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. You interested in making an offer ?
  2. This account is very much for sale if anyone is interested
  3. Hi man, sent you a PM
  4. Looking to sell this account: Below are stats and key features. It has mith gloves and Jad and rocky pet. Quests done to obtain Mith gloves: The registered email will be changed to the sellers. Ban History: I am looking for the payment to be made in OSRS gp. Starting bid: 100m Auto win: 500m Original owner is trusted discord trading site. Bought as a mith glove starter. Please comment offers below. Thankyou
  5. Looking to sell the below account. Was originally a barrows glove starter account: Piety unlocked: The registered email will be changed to the sellers. Ban History: I am looking for the payment to be made in OSRS gp. Starting bid: 150m Auto win: 500m. Original owner is trusted discord account seller. Email will be registered to the buyer. Please comment offers below. Thankyou
  6. Looking to sell this account so wanting a rouge PC doing. Below are stats and key features. It has mith gloves and Jad and rocky pet.
  7. Looking to sell the below account. Was originally a barrows glove starter account: Piety unlocked:
  8. I will be willing to buy accounts with only the following skills: 35 Agility 42 Construction 45 Farming
  9. andym_98#9040 I'm not sure why but my messages don't seem to be working, can you send me one on discord please.
  10. Looking for clue scroll accounts with requirements below or as close to as possible: 35 agility 40 attack 40 defense 45 farming 51 magic 50 ranged 16 strength 25 thieving 20 mining 12 hunter 31 crafting 36 woodcutting 10 Herblore 49 firemaking 10 fletching 20 smithing 43 prayer QUESTS ---------------- Fairytale I - Growing Pains Lost City Nature Spirit The Restless Ghost Priest in Peril The Ascent of Arceuus Tale of the Righteous The Forsaken Tower The Queen of Thieves The Depths of Despair Client of Kourend X Marks the Spot Icthlarin's Little Helper Gertrude's Cat Mountain Daughter Bone Voyage The Corsair Curse Creature of Fenkenstrain Dragon Slayer I The Fremennik Trials The Dig Site Druidic Ritual Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl Horror from the Deep Jungle Potion Sea Slug The Tourist Trap Observatory Quest Tears of Guthix Tree Gnome Village Plague city Biohazard Ardougne Easy Diary Fairytale II - Cure a Queen - partial - Unlock Fariy Rings Ratcatchers - partial first part Jimmy Dazzler - Mansion
  11. Is there anyway to see old high scores? Im sure I use to be up near the top
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