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Augury13 last won the day on October 31 2024

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  1. For this reference, it means you can download it for free or buy it from the script store. The sdn can be found here: https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/
  2. If my bots didn't stop I would've just had them keep running. Was about to hit a 10 day proggie on one account (this was taken about 20 hours ago) If they're higher value accounts doing heavily botted activities, I'd also wait though.
  3. At minimum, I'd be interested in watching.
  4. I am! Got a couple accounts ready to send it whenever
  5. No problem at all! Your script has been so great, I really can't complain haha Edit for even better proggie: Actual result with my mini-farm after 2+ days:
  6. Hey Heiz. I wanna start out by saying, I have been absolutely loving this script. The script itself is running flawlessly and has been doing me really well, see the screenshot below for a nice nights 'work'. I know this is a free script, but if you did want to continue development on this, what I would love to see is an addition of an option to skip worlds with world hopping. The script will turn off (along with other similar scripts) if hopping to world 301 or 308 if the worlds fill to 1000 players. Being able to disable them from hopping to those worlds would allow the scripts to successfully continue to run indefinitely (with proper breaks to combat world hop limitations). I do see this as a client limitation as well, so I have made a client suggestion thread also (pending approval).
  7. Oh haha, cool! Thanks for educating me on that. Edit: I unfortunately haven't been able to get it to work either having the class files or the 'Oak Banker$1' folder within my C:\Users\MYNAME\OSBot\Scripts folder This is the error in general I'm receiving within the client: [ERROR][10/29 10:56:39 AM]: Failed to load local script : C:\Users\MYNAME\OSBot\Scripts\OakBanker$1\OakBanker$1.class [ERROR][10/29 10:56:39 AM]: Failed to load local script : C:\Users\MYNAME\OSBot\Scripts\OakBanker$1\OakBanker$BooleanSupplier.class [ERROR][10/29 10:56:39 AM]: Failed to load local script : C:\Users\MYNAME\OSBot\Scripts\OakBanker$1\OakBanker$State.class [ERROR][10/29 10:56:39 AM]: Failed to load local script : C:\Users\MYNAME\OSBot\Scripts\OakBanker$1\OakBanker.class I even tried changing the folder name to not have the $'s and alternatively tried the .class names to not contain the $. No iteration of the files appeared to have it working for me.
  8. It looks like what you are sharing are one-time links. I got it downloaded, but upon revisiting the link it's no longer available. Using Mediafire or something else you should have unlimited downloads automatically allowed. The below screenshot was taken before downloading: Also FYI that's the class / source files, not a .jar. I can't use that unfortunately haha. Might be good to learn some coding myself with it though!
  9. Link no longer working. Any chance for a recompile / update of the link? Would love to give this a try.
  10. Still performing quite well for Monk Robes!
  11. Quote me or post here again once it's updated and I can check it out! While it's not been running perfectly, it hasn't errored out again (I switched what I was doing also), here's a a little 1 day proggie:
  12. Tried this last night with the settings of: bury bones (1-2), kill cow's + calves (loaded through the refresh tool), loot bones and cowhide, and Salmon as my food and checked off to eat it. No breaks were set within the script, just through the client. I don't have any logger information for you because I'm also running another 10+ accounts at the same time through the same client. If you are interested in logger info, I can run another test in it's own standalone client. The first run seemed to be fine, I did although bring 20 food so it killed a couple, buried the bones and banked with 7 cowhide. I had to pause it, update some settings (including only holding 4 food at once) and when I did so in the bank (within the GUI that stayed open even after starting the script), it just stalled out and said something similar as it is saying now. I paused the script and manually walked it back to the cow pen (below fally). Once there, it did a full trip: getting a full inventory of cowhide from killing cows/calves (except for 1 bone), banked, and went back to the pen and back to killing. While killing, it started a osbot client break which didn't log the script out (I manually logged it out for this break). This is where I left it for the night. It looked like it logged back in, did 1 more run, working properly, then did another run, this time going back to the bank and not banking. There may have been a break on the way to the bank is why this happened but I'm not sure because I was asleep. Please ask if there is any additional information you need and I can provide.
  13. Don't mind the xp rate, I was trying something funky with it. This script working wonders for me: Still the above same run: Edit4: 3 day proggie
  14. Workin pretty darn well, thanks for making this! It does stop if you hit world hop limit though. Would love to see an addition of a waiting period if you get world hop locked before trying to sign in again. I do just need to tweak the break settings slightly and I shouldn't have any more issues. I just fixed the break settings and it fixed the hop locking (to near 99%). The only issue that I'm having now is that the bot will stop if it attempts to hop to World 301 and it is full. It doesn't stall, it just stops the script. Not sure if that is a client or script thing but would be cool if that was fixed. Edit4: This is the logger for one of the scripts that were running. This script had half the amount of robes as the others and I found it just standing there staring at the table not moving. Even when trying to unpause it and start it again, it did the same until I full stop and restarted it. This is not the first time it's done this. Actually in about every test of accounts I do, usually at minimum 1, if not 2-3 will end up like this, just stalled indefinitely with the camera panned down to where it can't visually see the table, but still in range to interact with the robes on the table. [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:17 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:26 AM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:38 AM]: Login completed. [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:38 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:40 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:43 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 10:51:43 AM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:09:47 AM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 25 minute(s) and break for 16 minute(s) [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:09:47 AM]: Random solver exited : BreakManager [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:09:49 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:09:57 AM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:10:06 AM]: Login completed. [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:10:06 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:10:08 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:10:12 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:10:12 AM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:26 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:34 AM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:40 AM]: Login completed. [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:41 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:43 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:46 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #7][10/26 11:15:46 AM]: Scheduling script background executors Below is a proggie of my best account last night though:
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