Tysm for letting me try this script. As promised, I will give u some feedback. Rooftops works like a charm (atleast Falador, which is the only one I've testet), runs smooth, fast and effective with few missclicks.
On the other hand, the wildy course didn't work out that well. Of course, it ran smoothly and everything like that, but if I HAVE to mention something: Eating could been done between (example) 20-60% (random) instead of (example) 40% (constant). Aslo eating could be done whilst running thorward the next obstacle. For example wildy course: It runs from steppes to the log, then stops to eat.
Also, (still at wildy course) when failing an obstacle, it should redo it instead of running straight to the next one. You get zero bonus if u skip something.
I hope my feedback was OK. Overall i love this scrip!! Good job
- Sorry about my rubbish grammar, wrote this in a hurry
- Aksel