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  1. Hey! Been using this for a day and few bugs I found: If bot missclicks on the talisman (clicks on use) then it still tries to click on the altar but it gets stuck. NPC Contact doesn't work. Clicks on the contact spell but doesn't choose correct NPC
  2. dastailo

    Fruity NMZ

    It seems like the script is stuck. I ran the script and it just sits in the bank. Would you like a log?
  3. dastailo

    Fruity NMZ

    If I try to grab inventory weapon It doesnt add blowpipe up... What to do? I can run it now. Had to take the weapon off from inventory before grabbing gear again, but it still seems like its a bug
  4. dastailo

    Fruity NMZ

    it gives me option to re-enter the nmz but I haved bought the full version of the script... ?
  5. could I get 24hr trial please
  6. Runecrafting fire runes using ring of duelling doesnt work. It takes full inventory of essence and then tries to take the duelling ring and keeps doing it (keeps going untill it is sucessful). If I wield the ring myself it puts all the items to the bank and tries to do it the same way as described before.
  7. Try to use account that is rested for around 5-7 days. You can buy them easily in bulk aswell for like .2$ or 500k per account so I would either pay the ammount or just make some accounts and let them sit.
  8. Did some training at it ran flawleslly. I'll test out mining later tonight to see how it functions as I haven't seen a script which does shift-dropping yet.
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