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Scripter III
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Everything posted by FrostBug

  1. Thank you; but it isn't really a bug per se, but I will consider adding support for equipped duel ring. It is stated in the route instructions (and troubleshooting section) that the duel ring mustn't be part of the equipment setup, and instead remain in the inventory, as it is considered a misc teleport item by the script.
  2. It will log out if configured incorrectly or something is missing. The reason will be in the script log and client logger. Be sure to read the troubleshooting section when encountering issues
  3. Sure do; want one now? Can you quote or screenshot the exact message please? Will include a fix in the next script update
  4. FrostBug


    It's not really something I can implement unfortunately. The entity update speed and lack of audio support just makes it .. not good
  5. There are some known mirror-specific issues atm. Particularly with focusing enemies, and possibly something with breaks.
  6. Can you post a screenshot/GIF of the occurence, and also provide the log file or client logger output?
  7. GroundItem issues should be fixed now
  8. FrostBug


    Will check audio configurator - thanks. Not sure what might've happened at wave 59 and later; do you have the script log files still? Aye, should be. Though there might be an issue with the audio configurator - so enable audio by yourself to be certain I suppose
  9. There are 2 global failsafes, and they should work independently of OSBot listeners/events. One triggers if the player is in the same position (coordinates) for 5 minutes, and the other triggers if 5 consecutive interaction-type events of the same type fail in a row. Most of the mirror mode issues have active threads in the Mirror mode bugs section - Unfortunately the dev isn't overly informative on the time horizon __ Been out of the country for several days, will take a look at the reported issue with groundItems asap
  10. I tried reversing the 2 error traces you quoted, both were irreversible (though one had reference to ectophial route). Just tried the originally posted one, and I was able to reverse that one. Looks like a kill order issue. What is your kill order? I have not been able to reproduce your issues, so I must assume it to be client configuration or script setting related. Please post or PM me your script settings, as well as the script log from a failed run. Also please refrain from shitposting, it will be removed.
  11. FrostBug


    1) Botting of any kind can get you banned. Using this script with multi-way prayer flicking seems to have an increased risk, so if going for multiple runs, I would recommend not flicking. 2) Some people either don't want to trust service guys, or want enough capes that the script becomes financially viable.
  12. What I've observed is that any error thrown in or by any listener or eventhandler will cause all listeners and event handlers to be disabled until client restart. Though supposedly Zach fixed this in a listener/eventhandler stability update a few client versions back. Would be worth verifying, though. @Patrick
  13. Can you send me the profile you used? Located in OSBot/Data/FrostBarrows/Profiles Will do some test runs with those settings this week.
  14. FrostBug


    Sound effects at 1 or higher volume; rest can be muted. It will be auto configured if needed when you start the script at bank That should do it
  15. Were you using Ectophial route when it bugged out? Have you checked 'Don't restore when out of prayer' for Dharok? That would cause it if you did
  16. Read the troubleshooting section for help with common issues. Reason for going to bank / logging out can be found in the script log file and client logger
  17. FrostBug


    Where are your super restore potions? And what happens if you manually scroll them into visibility?
  18. FrostBug


    Could you pm me a screenshot of where it's stuck? Or post here, idm
  19. FrostBug


    Looking at the relevant code / log file, it would seem like there's an issue withdrawing from the bank. Could you try moving all doses of the required potions to a separate bank tab?
  20. Yeah, check out the Membership > Vouchers section in Marketplace
  21. Read thru the OP for instructions on using the script. For help with issues, please include the Client output / Script log file. These usually tell you what the problem is
  22. FrostBug


    Have you tried restarting the client? Also, try starting with the equipment tab open, though this should no longer be an issue
  23. Is this your original OSBot username, or was it ever changed?
  24. FrostBug


    Missing sound configuration will only have an effect during the Jad fight, so that wouldn't be the problem. However, if you started the script at bank, it should have been auto configured. Things that CAN have an effect include graphic settings, mirror mode and hotkeys. Can you send me the log file for the run? It's in the OSBot data folder
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