Best way is to have a mule with loads of bonds inside, to give money to goldfarmer accounts.
At the beginning it's good to have a few f2p accounts until you get your first 50m. I personally like to use non trade restricted items such as gold bars and iron bars, so when I started out I used crafting bot and smithing bot to make gold rings (crafter) and smelt iron/silver bars (smither) and they are great moneymakers for f2p, I think 100k/hr with almost 0 reqs
Then start looking at p2p methods here:
And then you can adapt your accounts to certain builds e.g. vyre thieving, abyss runecrafting, etc. I personally am addicted to runecrafting atm so I use guardians bot and runecrafting bot to get my 1m/hr at nats