Have you got discord or teamviewer I can set up the bot for you easily. I will 100% make sure the bot works flawless on your computer.
I ended up finding a solution if you're using mirror mode
It's good to hide the Debug Mirror Text that shows in the top left of the client, else the bot can't read which runes are active or if the game has started, please let me know if this fixes it for you. I am using colour detection to save on cpu for anyone wondering, and the mirror mode green/red text covers the runes.
This bot supports both stealth and mirror btw, and I appreciate the fact some like to use mirror it's safe but nowadays they are the same in terms of protection against bans. If you're using mirror just for the jagex launcher/account; then I also have some good news it's possible to use stealth now using devbuild 2.7.8 (right click save link as) in the official thread.
EDIT: To hide it the mirror text, select Shift + F5.
I've been testing and it works really well even with mirror mode, can you confirm if your resolution looks like this?
If all else fails I can try a new update for v22.2 today and see if it helps!