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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Added new update in v270.0, should be better, also added new option for invokes I have extended your trial another 24 hrs
  2. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Done gl guys enjoy
  3. Any time Added trials btw enjoy!
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    My bad sometimes the free trial doesn't show up if the trial rate limit is reached, this one should definitely show up now, please confirm
  5. Nice Just a small addition, if you wanna choose the skill, try this one: getWidgets().containingActions(240, "Slayer").get(0).interact(); Can swap slayer for any other skill, and runecrafting should be runecraft
  6. Sure I can add mind altar teleport, isn't really that popular but I am happy to add any feature I will check this out for you ASAP, I can assume you have Earth rune and binding necklaces yeah? EDIT: Seems to be working well, you are missing Earth runes please try again
  7. Done have fun! Just submitted a new version, gl guys
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done gl chaps enjoy! Be sure to check out vyres and elves, they are the best thing to pickpocket right now, can be up to 3m/hr profit
  9. Done added trials enjoy! And yessir, will add Log Basket banking in next version
  10. Does the script show up in client (not forum)? Please confirm
  11. Tysm for support and feedback I am working on adding a similar GE restock system as my magic bot (enchanting only), so it will let you buy materials and set custom price for buying them, and sell them afterwards, and repeat. I also have invokes on the way, and ty for suggestion I like the idea for logging out or not, will be useful for bot manager and queueing scripts
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thanks for clarifying, I'll be releasing a new version with improved mouse system + invokes too
  13. Sounds good Got v334.0 coming with new features added too
  14. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done added trial, enjoy
  15. Done how about now? Try refreshing osbot client it'll appear
  16. Done added all trials enjoy Just got sent this beauty (not mine): Shoutout to Finbo!
  17. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    I am working on making this bot more ironman friendly, right now it has duel ring teleports and walking outside for new trips. My next release will be ardy cloak + fairy ring teleport then taking Boaty to barrows
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