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Everything posted by Czar

  1. holy shit is this real i cant believe it
  2. Czar


    Will fix this, it's a simple 1 line of code and I will change. Update coming soon.
  3. Did you choose the lobster option? Lobster fishing works.. I tried to fish and I don't have 40 fishing, but it still works
  4. Oops, I only designed it for melee, silly me. Did it perform well (excluding the paint)? Judging by the 6 hours I assume it did Next update will include a fixed paint for range, and less robotic interaction
  5. Experiments cave in canifis, requires starting creature of fenkenstrain, really good spot to train combat
  6. Banking works everywhere in my latest update. Just tested in catherby, karamja, draynor and fishing guild. All locations use the same code so it works everywhere. If you are having problems with osbot 2.3.29, try osbot 2.3.28, and vice versa. ^ As of 2/21/2015 ( 10 minutes ago )
  7. Czar


    Hmm I guess so, just don't bot too many hours a day ;) Do some quests etc, to balance it out, that's how I got my first 2 99 rangers
  8. Holy shit, gratz man!! Added to main thread Version 2.4 - Fixed karamja fishing and banking - Doesn't deposit coins anymore Update should be live within ~12 hours. Happy f2p botting!
  9. Will fix it ASAP, I hoped it would work. Expect an update in ~30 minutes.
  10. Make sure to use OSBot 2.3.29, it's working for me and some other users that I'm in contact with
  11. 7.99 one time payment The update is here, version 2.3! Enjoy guys, post some progress reports
  12. Woah double kill, some of these updates make some methods in my script redundant, nice one guys edit : o lawd the applet resize has been fixed !
  13. Well the client is fixed now, we are just waiting until my update is pushed which should be today. Note: make sure to always have gp when using the bank option in karamja
  14. It should take between 5-10 minutes max, just keep refreshing the scripts
  15. Version 2.3 - Added deposit box support - Added karamja > port sarim deposit box banking - Fixed bank paths (may fix some problems that users had with banking) - Changed game loop method (also avoids timeouts) Update should be live when the client is updated (within 12 hours)! Also, careful guys, there is a livestream in this hour, which is a botbusting event (jmod is going around banning people) so close your bots until the livestream finishes!
  16. It will happen today, as they announced it, sorry for the wait man!
  17. Will be fixed once the client gets updated
  18. So confusing, what's your HP level and provide me with other details so I know what's going on (so you can't troll me lol) Ah dude are you starting the script while already logged in? Cuz you're supposed to do that
  19. Are you using the latest client version? Version 2.3.28
  20. Hmm 2 or 3 weeks is too much for testing, I can give out free 24-48 hour trials though, because I will never release a script without testing it and making sure it is perfect
  21. Czar


    Thanks man! Added to main thread
  22. Thanks for clarifying this!
  23. Czar


    It was today's update. Never bot on a runescape update day..
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