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Everything posted by Czar

  1. hmm I assume hopping is still broken I will try and make some changes
  2. yes it will, it only grabs the options for that specific object
  3. object.getActions()[0] for the first option in the index* careful though, some objects have null options, so you may want to make a small method to filter out all the null options e.g. I tried doing this for my bank method, (bank chests have 'use', bank booths have 'bank') however the bank booth's first hidden option was null, then it was 'Bank'
  4. For me, with .70, it is right clicking and selecting option e.g. if (getInventory().interact("Use", "Dusty key")) { //sleep } will rarely drop the dusty key, but it's very rare so it's not much of a big deal
  5. wow, good job man, I'm glad to see this @Knife yep, I can add that, need to run some tests before I push the update live ;)
  6. you are all champions and legends
  7. Czar


    then you must be doing something wrong, because I'm 94 ranged now and it's running smoothly restart the client, hook mirror mode while logged out (if using mirror), login, start script, make sure you have gp, make sure you start near the guard, and just let it run edit: disable randoms too, my script handles everything itself
  8. Ever since they replaced the model triangulation code (?), models are shown like that. The only solution is to draw the tile under it I guess :L
  9. Will add this right now, update coming soon EDIT: Added, update will be live within a few hours.
  10. Czar


    Amazing progress guys, I'm 91 range and going for 99 , i'm almost half way xD
  11. show me a screenshot and I will fix ASAP
  12. Czar


    Make sure not to hook the mirror client while your account is logged in, otherwise it will not detect anything in inventory. You must be doing something wrong, since I still haven't had any problems from 33-90 ranged
  13. Czar

    GUI Practise

    looks impressive, would fit perfectly in opengameart.org :P
  14. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/454-perfect-fisher/ and just click add to cart ;) enjoy the script
  15. Czar


    Camera is fine, it's meant to move left and right until it finds the perfect click position had to restart bot because of update, script still running flawlessly ;)
  16. gratz on another 99 xD
  17. nope, got 0 quest points lol
  18. ANOTHER 99 WITH MIRROR MODE, TY @MGI SM, heres the old thread http://osbot.org/forum/topic/72225-first-mirror-combat-99/
  19. Czar


    Unlucky mate make sure you don't have a flagged ip or anything, i've been doign 24/7 no breaks just suiciding with mirror mode, still no ban BUT, I cleared my jagexcache, my random.dat and changed my IP before I started my mirror mode accounts
  20. Version 2.63 - Fixed fighting code, no longer gets stuck - Fixed region resetting - Fixed pathfinding Update should be live within a few hours Also, I am considering adding a loot tab, and removing some options such as minimap walking, always use cave and a bunch of others.
  21. Okay I have begun testing, so far it's working flawlessly. I need to wait until it resets region though only 5 minutes in though, gunna test up to 3 hours, and find out if there are any bugs etc, and fix them Also, guys please make sure you have auto-retaliate enabled. In the next version I will be forcing it
  22. What options did you select in the GUI?
  23. alright, does it manage to fix itself?
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