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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 3.13 - Fixed powerfishing Update will be live within an hour Guys, I am changing the name of the script due to some scripting rule changes, any body have an idea what to name it to? Can't be flawless/perfect/good anything that makes the script look flawless. I was thinking Infinity, or maybe just Czar. If anybody has a good idea I will give them an auth to all my of my scripts unlimited.
  2. Thanks for the response, and I have tried to make it stay in the same spot until the crabs are no longer aggressive, then it will walk south/enter cave, however there appears to be a bug. I will add a timer so that if the crabs don't attack you for at least 3-5 seconds, then it will reset aggro (walk south/enter cave). Update coming soon :P
  3. Ah, I thought I fixed it lol, I will investigate this and provide an update within ~30 minutes. @Bamboo, what do you want this script to have that will satisfy you, I have fixed all the issues except powerfishing which I will have fixed by 30 minutes I will give you an auth for my range guild until you are happy with this script. The auth is unlimited for now.
  4. Thank you for the detailed response @Farkforce, I will fix this in the next version. As for @wilderniss, I am still waiting to hear what is broken in your point of view, so that I can fix it and we can all be happy.
  5. If that's the case, sure I will add it - not too difficult
  6. What's wrong with powerfishing, explain in detail and I will fix ASAP. EDIT: Just tested powerfishing system for 3 hours.. works fine. Did salmon in barbarian village.
  7. Not currently, what are they called I will add them right now
  8. I know, this happens to other scripts too man, we just have to be patient. OSBot makes updates, RS makes updates, both updates can affect scripts, then scripters have to update their scripts etc. If nothing changed, scripts would never break, ever
  9. There is no need to get a refund because the script works fine, you are just using it wrong. What level is your account, what food are you using, what GUI options, have you used latest client, what 'crashed' or 'failed'? The bugs (if any) are not permanent, they can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Just tell me where and I will fix it.
  10. getAntiBan().unregisterAllBehaviors(); edit: or just getAntiBan().unregisterBehavior(BehaviorType.CAMERA_SHIFT); getAntiBan().unregisterBehavior(BehaviorType.RANDOM_MOUSE_MOVEMENT); if you want, but personally I use the first one (unregisterall)
  11. Version 2.43 - Fixed camelot teleport spell - More accurate clicking Update should be live within an hour
  12. What seems to be the problem? I will fix it..
  13. @imzombs - Use the correct settings before blabbing on forums please. EDIT: - aggressive mode: attacks other crabs - load inventory: loads your food and teleport settings if you don't load the food, it will automatically go bank to search for food, in your case, it teleported to bank. if you have any other issues, post here and they will be fixed.
  14. Czar


    Make sure to start the script while logged in already
  15. Interesting post, update coming soon
  16. Well I have it set to 4, I can increase it though. I'll re-write my potion class to support higher levels I guess.
  17. Version 2.21 - Re-added banking (woops, removed it while re-writing script for some reason) - Added non-delayed walking (now it never stops walking during a path) Update should be live within an hour
  18. Hmm, well is your computer running slow because that may affect clicking etc, what is your memory allocation? edit: I have a backup method which has more accurate clicking but cmon guys, there has to be some inaccuracies otherwise it will be too botlike
  19. Use latest client + provide more details
  20. I will add this very soon, thanks for the suggestion. Version 2.42 - Fixed AFK training - Fixed minimap clicking Update should be live within an hour
  21. rsn: kwjfwoeijfw is mine dont report me pls
  22. Version 2.41 - Quick hotfix for player counting - Now hops when 7 players (including you) in the same area Thanks for the feedback, before I was only counting the players that were standing still (silly me). Anyway, update will be live within an hour.
  23. I already fixed that in version 2.4, refresh script and it won't get stuck anymore
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