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Everything posted by Czar

  1. The script is working, just restart client and enjoy ;) Otherwise just state the fishing options etc. and I will take a look ASAP.
  2. I have added a failsafe for report screen, thanks for the heads up @Spect91 I will go ahead and activate the script on your account manually, since OSBot is taking long :P good luck, enjoy ;)
  3. New update! Fixed, update will be live within a few hours, make sure you restart client and refresh scripts. Latest version: 0.42 @Saint Gnome - yes, Tan Leather is supported
  4. I can't switch scripts, I can only add them But I will give you the magic script for free, since you have just been kind enough to help a user with this script
  5. Store link : http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/537-perfect-miner/ enjoy ;) (thanks for the heads up, I updated my thread with the link)
  6. done, enjoy 24h trials ;)
  7. Czar


    Turn off random dismissal, my script already handles it Also, if you want the bot to log back in, you need to set your account in account manager in osbot client settings
  8. restart client, and make sure to allocate enough ram script is working as of 10/07/2015 please make sure you set it up correctly thanks for those progress reports, glad to see users enjoying the script
  9. Good job on 10 hour proggy, can you post it please :D @Trials, done, enjoy 24h trials ;)
  10. done, enjoy 24h trial ;)
  11. Gratz on 99 fletching :D BTW: 0.09 is the headless arrows update, I have re-pushed the version and it will be live within 6 hours, enjoy ;)
  12. done, enjoy trials ;) 24 hr each @Xelsiorn, which script? @buy scripts question; everything is in the client, just open script browser and click a script, and then click 'Buy' pm me if you still need help
  13. amazing proggy @sooyoung, I have added a nice update for that, thanks for feedback update will be live within a few hours ;)
  14. Ah finally, that message Anyhow, I just added an update to the script, it will be live within a few hours Latest update: improvements to barbarian fishing
  15. You need to load some food, even if you don't necessarily need food. Grab 3 lobsters or something and hit 'load inventory' when starting up the script, and enjoy ;) I made that feature as an emergency feature, I guess I will remove it for higher level defence (40+)
  16. It should be visible in the next update, I have made it visible now and it will be under the 'Arrow' option in the GUI, apologies
  17. Done, enjoy 24h trial ;)
  18. Try it one more time, I have rolled back the script back to when it last worked flawlessly. enjoy ;)
  19. Fixed. Bot will not go to the white mountain anymore, enjoy EDIT: Update will be live within an hour or so, just make sure to hit the refresh button when starting script
  20. OSBot servers seem to be down, I can't activate any trials at this moment in time I will check back within 30 minutes to activate the 24 hr trials @Croatian I have added subtle randomization of click points so there shouldn't be any problems with bans using fast mode ;) @Presumptuous I can add a system to avoid combat but I realllllllyyy suggest getting 15 combat (or whatever it is) because it will increase XP by a lot.
  21. For goldfarming it isn't too bad, the initial startup is literally 0 and there are a few items that you can profit massively from Just need to research the items and check prices etc ^^ In fact you can even profit from arrow shafts
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