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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm, can you please show a gif of the serum 207 option (so I can see what the bot is doing) and try to change it? Gyazo is a GIF maker If not I will just level my account and complete the quest anyway :P
  2. Yep, as long as you click the rocks , you can mine it ;)
  3. Yep, just click the ores on the screen that you want to mine ;)
  4. Czar


    The adverts are from being a non-vip in osbot forums There is a X button on the top left if you want to remove it As for the above post, make sure you have 10+ bronze arrows in your quiver or something, or make sure you allocate enough ram perhaps? I haven't really noticed anything like that, hmm if anything, just restart the client and start script while logged in
  5. Alright I am going to make it stop logging out when out of supplies ASAP.
  6. Strange, show a screenshot of the client. Also which GUI options did you use? There was a 10 hour proggy a few posts back so I'm confused
  7. Hmm that's better off with selecting own ores if there's a spot with 3 iron ores, but I will add it ;) thanks for suggestion
  8. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/454-perfect-fisher/ here, enjoy ;)
  9. enjoy trial ;) @kev perhaps, how long does it say you have left in the trial?
  10. bravo bravo, ty for the script advertisement
  11. Sorry guys, re-pushed the magic longbow update. It should be here 100% within a few hours. nice progress report @Maldesto Also guys, I will be holding a competition soon (with this script) and I will be giving away 30 membership bonds for progress reports. The competition will start on monday
  12. Set camera zoom to default, and used fixed mode, and it will work, enjoy ;) As for ban, unlucky mate Use mirror mode for less bans I guess
  13. Good idea, I will add those, thanks for suggestion
  14. To actually mine the pay-dirt? or to collect the ore? Anyhow I can easily speed it up.
  15. Czar


    If the script doesn't start, set the camera zoom on default and restart the client ;)
  16. Ah thank you so much for the reply, I will make a nice workaround for that
  17. The script is 100% working, it hasn't broken in months. If the script doesn't start, set the camera zoom on default and restart the client
  18. Version 0.06 - Added gem cutting (even though that's crafting -.-) :P - Fixed magic shortbow/longbow - Darts are now faster update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  19. Version 0.39 - Removed animation timer for serum 207 potions - they are now faster update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
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