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Everything posted by Czar

  1. done, enjoy flesh crawlers, don't forget to retry rock crabs though :P @walterww that is an excellent idea, thanks I will add a system to switch combat styles and task system (e.g. get 50 att then 50 str then 60 att etc)
  2. Yes, it works even better with mirror mode
  3. Did you update client to v.122? Most people didn't even close their client and were stuck in v.121
  4. Czar


    No worries, if it's working well just continue with that one glad to hear about the progress report good luck ;)
  5. I will re-enable the essence mode, thanks for the heads up. (had to disable it for OSBot guideline rules) @Mustang, thanks for the feedback, will check out Ardougne ASAP EDIT : Falador wall (crafting guild) has been fixed as of 1 minute ago. Please restart OSBot if you want to use the crafting guild mining area, and enjoy EDIT 2: Ardougne has now been fixed, the script is now back to normal, enjoy
  6. Banking will be completely re-written, thanks for feedback and for kind words @Gilgad hmm I may add that in the next update, it's one of those features which looks terribly difficult to add but is surprisingly simple, thanks for the idea
  7. It is, the bot can be found here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/524-perfect-magic-aio/ enjoy ;)
  8. Czar


    Guys, OSBot updated again, make sure to get client version .122 now Also, make sure to set mouse option to : 'Always right-click' camera far away (if using esc mode) mouse zoom default (if not using esc mode) and good luck ;)
  9. @Raph make sure that your mouse zoom is on default, or far away. Also, hp level? @Dbowles I had to disable hopping because it was causing problems, although I may re-add it very soon, thanks for feedback Glad to hear the feedback from all of you
  10. New update! Version 0.37 - Hopper is now working again enjoy ;) update will be live within a few hours. Just finished a nice test run
  11. Make sure both items are visible in your bank, remove them from a tab (if in a bank tab), as it seems to be working for me (ty for the money loss from testing ) Also, you claim to have shortbow (u) yet the paint says longbow (u), are you sure you are selecting the right GUI option? I have just tested both shortbows and longbows, both working brilliantly well please update me, I am waiting for the response
  12. holy shit thank you so much for reversing the closest method, I had to do a LOT of refactoring
  13. Script has been updated, enjoy ;)
  14. Hmm, did you make sure to set mouse zoom to default? I have just tried it and it banked fine (using mining from list mode) which mode did you select? And provide a screenshot of the client so I can see the problem. thanks for feedback, don't forget to include GUI settings you selected
  15. Antivenom+ speed support? :P
  16. you are a legend :D @Steve, sure I can do that, next update coming up
  17. Yes sure you can have a refund, thank you for telling me the actual problem though counter-offer: - you don't refund this script - you get an extra free script BUT, you must wait until the next update I have just added (that fixed the problem) EDIT : Version 0.54 - Added support for latest OSBot .121 client - No longer gets lost, now finds NPC normally (npc methods were changed by OSBot in latest update) - Avoids mountain update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  18. @Mad Hatter it should appear within 30 minutes depending on your payment type. However, I have just activated the script on your account temporarily (for 48 hours), so enjoy ;) Version 0.43 - Added new update to suit the latest OSBot .121 update - Stuns/curses are now working, including all other spells update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  19. Sure, enjoy 24h trial ;) Sure, I can make the bot hop in the world type you are in, e.g. if you're in p2p world, it will only hop in p2p worlds. If you are in f2p world, it will only hop in f2p worlds thanks for suggestion
  20. Sure, I can do a green dragon script, the only thing that had slowed me down was the wildy looting bag which I didn't have, so I just postponed that script. I have one now and I guess I can start on the script, thanks for the heads up
  21. Enjoy 24h trial ;) @wildswing I had to remove it since it was a crafting feature (i believe?) however if you really want it, I can re-add it in the next version
  22. Czar


    Simply restart the script, however make sure you are on osbot 2.3.121 and NOT 2.3.120 (there were 2 quick updates there, some people may have not closed client at all when the .121 update was out) and you need to start the script after it has been updated, hopefully the sdn manager does it fast
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