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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    yep, blackjacking method is insane xp, I will definitely add support for it, in fact I can even probably squeeze in The Feud from my quest bot (if i'm allowed to include it here) so anybody can do blackjacking all-in-one. Besides, it's all just knock-out npc and pickpocket twice right? shouldn't be too difficult to add I hope :P
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Good question, I will definitely add an option to thieve more food. In fact I will add it right now, before the script goes live thanks for the suggestion Yep, trials will go out ASAP when the SDN manager releases this script live
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Bank will definitely be made from thieving Especially on deadman mode too ^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    definitely, hopefully SDN manager uploads it this week
  5. This is an AIO (All-in-one) bot that has almost every thieving style except blackjack, ask for a free trial by liking thread or making a post! Vyres and elves are now supported! Both can make solid profit per hour, decent passive income! BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! WE ARE THE MOST SOLD THIEVING BOT IN OSBOT HISTORY. MOST REPLIES, MOST USERS, LONGEST PROGGIES #1 Thiever | Most Overall Sales | Most Total Replies | Most Results | 7+ Years Maintained | 'the intelligent choice' by Czar NOW SUPPORTS VYRES ONLY SCRIPT ON OSBOT AND OTHER CLIENTS THAT HAS FULL VYRE PICKPOCKETTING WITH SWITCHING. BOT SWITCHES VYRE NOBLE AND ROGUE OUTFIT APPROPRIATELY 224M made in a single sitting of 77 hours 1.1B made from elves and vyres!! ELVES SUPPORTED TOO! (NEW) 2.1m/hr, 6 crystals in 7 hrs 99 THIEVING MANY MANY TIMES, 35M EXP IN ONE BOTTING RUN!! 99 thieving in ~43k xp (12 minutes remaining)! Just got 99 proggy! Gratz to @iz0n THIEVING PET AT LVL 22 FROM TEA STALLS 11.5 HOURS, WITH PET TOO!! 610k/hr getting 99s on deadman worlds!
  6. Make sure to load enough food, otherwise it will just attempt to bank. Don't load inventory while iron knives are in your inventory, they must stay equipped, and good luck
  7. No you absolutely didn't waste $5, don't jump to conclusions so fast :P Make sure you configured the bot correctly, start the bot while logged in and enjoy ;)
  8. Which options did you select in gui? I will fix that ASAP
  9. Updates occur twice a day, all we can do is wait The administrators handle all the script updates unfortunately. It will be available within 3 hours max. sorry for the wait, it's worth it though EDIT : I have already pushed the update, on my side everything is fine, now it's all on OSBot's side
  10. Deadman options are done automatically, just make sure to start the script while in a deadman world. We just gotta wait until the old version is reverted back and it will all be normal I will probably add an option to hop worlds if you are under attack for more than 2 times (within 5 minutes)
  11. Amazing progress report, thanks for the post
  12. Don't worry they are already gone, the last working version will be back
  13. @Aj that is a client error, restart the client and it will be fine @lol - which inventory items did you load? Make sure you load a common food good luck
  14. Yes, random events can be dismissed by the settings in OSBot client Make sure you bot carefully, I am still giving free bonds to a user if they ever get banned, PM
  15. Ahh it must've been a delay ban from another script, 1 hour is far too short for bans Did you use any free scripts or anything?
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