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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Those problems don't exist if you setup properly, if you have ESC enabled, make the zoom far away (most far away, completely left) if you don't have ESC enabled, set mouse zoom on default and it will not work optimally mouse zoom is everything, if you don't configure it properly you will always have little issues here and there, so make sure it's all setup good and enjoy once it's configured, there will rarely be any issues. The best way = ESC mode enabled + far zoom
  2. I intentionally left out the fishing spots at the other side. As for the running around, it will be fixed in version 0.42, thanks for the feedback EDIT : New Update! Version 0.42 - Fixed shilo village walking system - Fixed karamja ship ride system update will be live within a few hours, enjoy
  3. Czar


    No need to babysit the bot, it works well enough on its own Besides, this bot has been consistently online for more than a year. If you are on deadman world though, I do advise checking for pkers :P almost 200k/hr with deadman mode
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ran out of forum post likes ty for the support guys :D
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    small 1hr proggy doing some nature runes, tryna make small bank here cbf to walk all the way to varrock and risk everything and here is a small preview of the wildy chest loot, I used this before deadman mode a few months ago, but I converted it to latest osbot api and made it better 2 dragonstones = 50k cash, 35 diamonds = 50k, 100k+ in only 20 mins. Of course it's all about luck, this is probably even bad loot :P
  6. Please read up, I just fixed all walking issues As for deadman, don't worry I added an option for it, along with some improvements which toggle between knowing when to run and when to fish ;)
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yup just waiting on sdn manager to upload the script and I will give trials out asap
  8. Oh wow, these posts are brutal. I will remove deadman support immediately - it is causing issues for banking and running away, thanks for the feedback guys EDIT: New update! Version 0.41 - Walker code removed -- Global Compass added - now there will be no more walking issues - Deadman mode is removed - it is causing too many problems -- An option has been added for deadman mode - use at your own risk - Script setup window is now centered that's all I have gotten problems for, they are now fixed, enjoy Please try to be as detailed as possible when reporting bugs, it makes the process of fixing bugs a lot qucker update will be live within a few hours, enjoy
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    thanks guys for all the support. Script uploads are scheduled to occur every weekend, hopefully they don't miss my request like last time :P
  10. Script is now online, enjoy ! Everything is back to normal good luck
  11. And don't forget, if you ever get banned with my bots, you will be rewarded with a free p2p bond as compensation I still have a lot remaining (~40) Each mule of mine has ~10
  12. done, refresh scripts and enjoy
  13. done, refresh scripts and enjoy
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thanks for all the support everybody, it really means alot Yes, the bot automatically detects if the user is on deadman world and will enable 'Always right-click' using the same system from my range guild script, it saved me a lot of time in coding :D
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    yep, blackjacking method is insane xp, I will definitely add support for it, in fact I can even probably squeeze in The Feud from my quest bot (if i'm allowed to include it here) so anybody can do blackjacking all-in-one. Besides, it's all just knock-out npc and pickpocket twice right? shouldn't be too difficult to add I hope :P
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Good question, I will definitely add an option to thieve more food. In fact I will add it right now, before the script goes live thanks for the suggestion Yep, trials will go out ASAP when the SDN manager releases this script live
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Bank will definitely be made from thieving Especially on deadman mode too ^^
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    definitely, hopefully SDN manager uploads it this week
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