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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Restart the client, chests are working perfectly, any other information regarding what happened? o_O I'm confused now edit: no problems whatsoever :P
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep both issues are fixed in version 0.15, just waiting on update Edit: as for running, sure I can make it run east EDIT 2: Version 0.16 - Added option for pickpocketing 'Smart finder' -- This option will 'save' the last found npc and keep going to it until it dies/goes too far -- It will avoid running back and forth between npcs - Added distance checks to pickpocketing -- It will no longer spam the NPC while it is too far away, instead it will click once and wait until near - Added walker 2.0 option -- For improved pathfinding, although it's best to alternate between the two (depending on which area you are in) update will be live within a few hours, enjoy
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Make sure to go in a populated world where there is a higher chance that the knight is trapped otherwise there is nothing else to do than spam click and follow the npc nothing wrong with the bot xD As for the cakes, that is strange, try another food perhaps it will work, although I tested with cakes and it ran fine, hmm hop worlds or give the client a restart and it will locate the npc better perhaps Anyhow, version 0.15 has improved routefinding and other miscellaneous updates. Been doing 55-99 in deadman mode with no problems, of course you may run into something unnatural but the bot can always handle the situation Prioritization is also included in that version, it will target the most populous player area, so whichever knight is closest, and has more players around it, will be prioritized over those that don't, update is in 0.15 too Also I am online 24/7 and making updates 24/7 so if anybody has any suggestions or ideas for this script just post them I will be adding rogues den safe cracking support by version ~0.18
  4. Yep deadman mode with no armour or weapons
  5. wtf there is nothing in the code that even supports switching styles, are you sure it was the bot? o_O Maybe you moved the mouse while the bot was in control and there was a misclick?
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Version 0.15 - Fixed silk stall - Eating is now global across all options (stalls, chests, pickpockets) update will be live within a few hours, enjoy !
  7. Ah looks like my GUI changes have not showed up, anyhow I will re-add them right now for version 0.03 of the script here is what the setup window will look like in the next update:
  8. Yep, refresh scripts and good luck !
  9. Unlucky Make sure to bot smart otherwise you will always get banned, - delete jagexcache - delete random.dat - change ip (if possible) and don't bot too much, don't bot with tutorial island character design, reply to chat messages, do something legit every X minutes, invest in mirror mode, those are the best options. even if you use the best script in the universe, you can still be flagged as a bot and get banned, so make sure to take all the measures necessary Another tip: good luck !
  10. done, refresh script and enjoy !
  11. in onPaint int x = getMouse().getPosition().x int y = getMouse().getPosition().y g.drawLine(0, y, 765, y) g.drawLine(x, 0, x, 503) make changes, I just typed that out real quick :p
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Sure no problem, you mean add the cup of tea healing whilst stealing tea or you mean using tea as food? Anyhow I will definitely add them as a food source
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  14. Czar


    Ahh RS added more options to the tab, guys make sure to have always right-click enabled for npcs @Dieze If you have any problems just PM me the console log and it will be fixed within 10 minutes, ASAP ! The script is still 100% functional, just don't forget to change settings after the new update
  15. Version 0.62 - Waterbirth updates added, you can now custom AFK there ;) - Knives, darts and javelins are now working again update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Enjoy, good luck all !
  17. done, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes but bear in mind the stalls are going through an update, so we are waiting for version 0.14, however pickpocketing and chests are fine
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep there was also an update for knights too, I made it so it closes the bank before it attempts to pickpocket, but other than that it's fine I will also add a global update to chests, stalls and pickpocketing, so the bot will always monitor your health, I don't want any users to die from suiciders in deadman mode (even in safe zones) Yes I do allow free scripts of course, I will activate that as soon as version 0.14 of this script is live (max a few hours)
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep, already fixed in version 0.14, just waiting on osbot to update scripts EDIT: I will give extra trial time, and free scripts too
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    alright tea stalls are perfectly flawless again
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I appreciate all the bug reports and your understanding, since the script has a few bugs, I will offer you any premium script of mine for free, choose a script
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