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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright, which location did you fish in? I will post an update ASAP. I tested barbarian fishing and it worked fine for some time. Anyhow, once my latest update (version 0.46) is live, it will avoid logging out completely, since I made some extra failsafes which stop it from AFKing
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    RIP monday is the last day in the script upload schedule, hopefully it's out today, i finally got 84 thieving on my new account, some rogue chests proggies coming up :P hopefully I don't get pked lmfao
  3. I just posted another update for shilo village, restart the script again and refresh it before running it and let me know if there are any issues tysm guys for all the support
  4. Thank you guys, I am here 24/7 I will always fix bugs, please don't think I will ever leave the script broken or buggy or anything bad Anyhow, I just made some changes to shilo village, it should no longer walk around in circles (I updated my webdata this time) which means it is an immediate update (since I only update the files on the osbot server) anyhow, if you want to fish at shilo village, stop the script, refresh scripts and start the fisher again, and it will be fine. As for object-related paths such as lumbridge bank (staircase), gnome village (upper floor) they have been fixed but it is a script-related update so we have to wait a few hours until they update all osbot scripts. I am currently fishing salmon at barbarian village, so far so good, and will move onto catherby, any other areas which should be tested? I am spending a few hours to test everything out before version 0.44
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I can't wait either :(
  6. Good news, recently I have managed to cut the loading time by almost 99% In the next following update, the loading time will be less than 0.1 seconds (100 millseconds) max It will also use up less RAM too
  7. Version 0.43 - Reverted walker back to old code -- all walking related bugs are now fixed update will be live within a few hours, thanks for all the feedback please guys, have some patience, the script is a best seller for a reason, and customer satisfaction is my most valued asset, so I will make sure this version is much better. @mrzoro thanks for the help man, if you need any free scripts just let me know
  8. Yep, currently a client issue with osbot, the only thing I can suggest is turning off ESC mode closes interface :P
  9. Lol weird, make sure you set it up correctly, it's the first time I'm hearing of that issue o_O Which inventory items did you load? Make sure to bring food and have enough coins for multiple ship rides. Be noted: waterbirth island mode is still in beta, things can go wrong. The update which makes it out of beta will be the flawless version.
  10. Yes, that will be in the next version, I have been meaning to add my own custom efficient banking system (with improved withdraw-all option) thanks for the feedback
  11. You need gp for the ship ride there, although I highly recommend starting in waterbirth island already. It is still in beta mode and no other script has waterbirth so I will need some extra time to make sure waterbirth island mode works flawless good luck ;)
  12. Czar


    Apologies, I have updated the thread now, at this point I assumed nobody reads it anymore :P Anyhow, if anybody needs help on the optimal way to configure the script, it is now on the front page of this thread
  13. Alright that will be fixed, if anybody know how to reproduce that bug let me know so it can be fixed faster Update coming up within ~30 minutes EDIT : I found the cause, if you want to use the script before the update is placed, just diasble 'ESC closes interface' and that bug will no longer appear Anyhow, I have just placed an update for version 0.28 which avoids that bug enjoy ;)
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    another progress for my new 99 thieving goal: so far , ardy knights have been good profit and xp
  15. i'm honored to even be mentioned in a poll for scripting ! you are all legends
  16. Alright got it, so Custom AFK spot will have an update in the next version, thanks for feedback Flawless waterbirth mode will most likely be available within 2 days, although I am planning on adding an update today for afk mode and waterbirth mode
  17. For safespotting, I am planning on adding a system where, you start the script on the safespot position, then the script will set it there, then just run the script as normal. However I highly recommend not going in areas which require safespot, as it is less safer
  18. Start script while logged in. Also, are you using a mac? Or a computer with proxy IP?
  19. Czar


    Those problems don't exist if you setup properly, if you have ESC enabled, make the zoom far away (most far away, completely left) if you don't have ESC enabled, set mouse zoom on default and it will not work optimally mouse zoom is everything, if you don't configure it properly you will always have little issues here and there, so make sure it's all setup good and enjoy once it's configured, there will rarely be any issues. The best way = ESC mode enabled + far zoom
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