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Everything posted by Czar

  1. @thephix which bank? I will have that fixed within 30 minutes. @WindPower, fixed, edgeville bank is back to normal
  2. Explain the problem, I don't see other poster's having issues after my recent updates. And it will be fixed within 30 minutes EDIT: If you are using mirror, please make sure to hook the client while your RS account is logged out. Otherwise nothing will even show up. EDIT2 : No worries, in the next update I will make sure there is less room for any setup issues, new update! Version 0.60 - Added new GUI system -- Error messages are now thrown before attempting to run the script with invalid options - Ranging improved -- Knives now work better -- Added an option for looting arrows faster/slower - Improvements to banking -- No longer requires you to leave an inventory space free update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ! ;)
  3. If you are being logged out, the items aren't detected, or you are typing the item name incorrectly. For mirror mode users (VIP+) please make sure to hook mirror mode properly, otherwise nothing will be detected. @Patrickr I will make the string jewellery spell faster, thanks for the feedback @Trial, enjoy 24h trial
  4. Czar


    For coins issue: make sure to hook mirror mode correctly (hook the client while RS account is logged out) For camera issue: Set mouse zoom to default, set mouse click settings to 'Always right-click' and enjoy ;)
  5. Just added an update for the attacking, it will no longer try to attack a rock crab on the otherside update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  6. I can't swap scripts I can only add them, but since there is a deal with CzarBots, buy 2 scripts get 1 free buy 3 scripts get 2 free and you have 4 scripts, so you can have the fisher for free, enjoy As for AIO Cooking, it is ready, I will probably add beta cooking today, just bear in mind the cooking option is in beta :p
  7. gratz !! added to main thread, that is awesome :D
  8. Ahh so that's what it was, I thought no paint showed up whatsoever. Anyway I will be trying to find out which rocks actually cause that, most normal rocks are fine, only the ones near the piscatoris area and perhaps shilo is different, anyhow - update will be here ASAP Version 0.22 will have improved shilo village, fixed paint and other new features
  9. Version 0.49 - Added an alternative to item list loading -- Fixed console issue, the GUI will now load update will be live within a few hours, enjoy
  10. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy good luck!
  11. Thanks for the feedback guys If you are stun alching make sure you stunalch with an npc that is in a low populated area otherwise you will be grouped with nearby bots if a jmod happens to come by :( e.g. yew botters near grizzly bear in GE @Smart there should be another GUI open along with that CzarBot console, make sure you start the script while logged in (after you have attached mirror mode correctly). So hook mirror, then login normally, then start script and enjoy :d you have reminded me to remove that feature though,I will probably make the script runnable even when logged out now. EDIT: let me know if that wasnt the case
  12. Paste the console error log, and state which option you selected (choose mining area from screen , or , choose mining area from list) etc. and I will help fix
  13. Czar


    Don't worry, accounts are only banned like that if you are botting on 10+ bots at the same time. Otherwise, only the bot that gets identified by jmod will get banned. Good luck
  14. Make sure you load some food, otherwise the bot will always go to bank and search for food, even if you don't really need some. @Trial - enjoy, refresh scripts and good luck
  15. @Leet07 - Make sure to start the script logged in @boststin - This script is one-time purchase, and it is unlimited, contact @Maldesto if there are any problems. I have activated the script manually for you temporarily @yaerdme - refresh script, just gave trial @walterww - fixed, update will be live in next version. For now, all I can suggest is to start the script with knives equipped, but if you already did that then we can only wait for the next version (which I just fixed)
  16. Unlucky Make sure to follow this: bans are now all down to how you bot, since OSBot has eliminated any detection from the script/client. Make sure to follow these guidelines and you will be fine EDIT : However, I am still giving free p2p bonds to users who ever get banned using my scripts, as a token of respect and compensation. I still have many bonds remaining
  17. Use screen mode for shilo village mining Here's a 2hr proggy for mining guild:
  18. Are you sure the paint isn't showing, for me it's working fine and I didn't select any options: It even handles mining guild flawlessly.. If you have an error, just show the console log and I will be able to fix it ASAP
  19. amazing progress, good luck with fletching and mage :D let me know if the fletcher has any issues/questions/suggestions and I will add updates ASAP
  20. Czar


    Version 0.30 - Added failsafe for moving out of the area - Less chance of moving out of the range area - Unregistered OSBot's client behavior, now using custom fresh anti-ban enjoy
  21. Yep, the script has been updated, I must have not changed the version number. Let me know how the bot goes
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