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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy
  2. Well, I made a system so that all the scripts are interlinked, and the stronghold script is technically just a master script with 4 subscripts (crawlers, spiders, ankous, minotaurs) so technically all I had to do was link them together. If I make an update to crawlers script, the update will appear in the stronghold script too As for trial, done, refresh scripts and enjoy
  3. Alright, another update coming up for b2p tabs, thanks for feedback
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Version 0.49 will have save npc, I just needed to test it before I added that feature for saving npcs
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    If you want to avoid misclicking attack on pickpocketing, do this: As for the ladder bug, I have just posted another fix, it should know how to get back now (version 0.49)
  6. The ankou script does loot during safespot As for my other flesh crawler bot, make sure to set mouse zoom to far away to improve the looting system in the bot
  7. Czar


    Unfortunately, it looks like you haven't read the main thread Hide the npc attack option if you don't want to die Here is quick tutorial:
  8. Ah I made some changes to object handling recently, in the next update lumbridge stairs will be back to normal, thanks for feedback
  9. Gratz on 99 fletching ! Refresh bots, the herblore should appear
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I try to reply to PM's as often as I can, but there really are a lot of pm's for me to handle .. apologies. I will activate the bot now, good luck As for the bonds, I am no longer giving free bonds for bans anymore, I ran out
  11. Yes of course, both scripts support deadman mode
  12. Czar


    The click frequency imitates a human's ability to click, when they are clicking fast. If you are paranoid about bans, setup some breaks to make it more human-like, since humans can't click for 6 hours non stop :P
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ah, did you manage to find out how the bots died? I'm currently going for 99 thieving on my 4th account at ardy knights, so far so good :P
  14. Use the latest client (.22) it will be much better
  15. Version 0.06 - Script is now back to normal, ladders, all objects are working and nothing is broken anymore update will be live within a few hours, thanks for the feedback all
  16. Use client version .22 it will work better Let me know if there are any questions/errors and they will be fixed ASAP, just don't forget to provide a screenshot of the client or a console error log
  17. Which script is supposed to show up, I authed the magic script :P
  18. @pkinglsa If it does that you must have selected curse + alch at the same time, please read the options more carefully ! Make sure you only select curse, and enter the name of the npc only. As for superglass make, thanks for the efficiency tips, I will make some nice changes for efficient superglass making As for string jewellery, I will make the cast-button-area more accurate I suppose, thanks for the feedback
  19. Czar


    Sometimes the payments can take anywhere from 0-30 minutes, although if it doesn't show up let me know and I will activate the bot from my control panel ASAP Usually it shows up within 5 minutes, and by the time I posted this message the bot most likely showed up :P As for ban, unlucky man, botting involves skill nowadays :P make sure to use breaks appropriately, make sure to do something legit every once in a while, reply to ingame chat, logout during RS livestreams etc. Only the pro botters survive :P As for mirror vs stealth, mirror is more for avoiding bans, stealth is for free osbot users though, they made it so only vip users can access mirror mode XD
  20. Yes, that was in the old version :p Anyway, the new version is now live, good luck all, ladders, map, everything is back to normal
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