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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Read the original thread, if you don't want to die, hide the npc attack option
  2. Banking is supported, did you setup the script correctly? Make sure to select banking button (on the right) and start the script while already logged in I posted a quickfix for the unsuccess bug, it now walks normally to the bank and fishing spot, restart the client the update should be live by now
  3. Sometimes the osrs team do livestreams to catch bots or random minigames, and during that time they focus on banning bots too As for motherlode vs regular mining - there is only more money in mining rune ore (at 85 mining) than motherlode, otherwise motherlode leads the way with profit and xp
  4. done, refresh scripts and good luck
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I already have blackjack support but I can't make the option visible until I test out all options, although I can make it beta mode and show the option if you want? @Trial done, refresh scripts Also, guys, how is version 0.475? (especially pickpocketing)? much better?
  6. I recently added an update for pickpocketing and we are all waiting for it to be live, so I gave you double time for trial (48 hours instead of 24) just incase ! good luck
  7. It would be simple to add, but is it worth banking in blast furnace? I can't tell if it's faster/slower than camelot bank, due to ship ride etc
  8. Don't forget, those types of antiban = ban, if you check for xp every 20 mins = that is botlike, because every bot will try and do that There was a massive ban wave today, over 75% of all online bots (in other bot sites too) have been banned today That is why it is now the perfect time to restart botting, because ban waves rarely happen more than once a month. Magic is one of the most low banrate scripts too, because its a banking skill, including fletching, crafting etc. So make sure you don't bot too much and it will be fine As for the bond, pm me I have a few bonds remaining
  9. Czar


    Delete the OSBot folder (in User folder) and restart the client, it will solve this for all bots, some users have stop issues for some other bots on this site too :P
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @protowill thanks for the console error log, that actually helps me with the next update, one more update sorry guys, I know the bank issue has been here for 2 versions or so, but I know what is the cause now, thanks ! Version 0.49 will be much better There was a huge ban wave today, most bots which were online got immediately banned unfortunately But don't worry, usually after a ban wave, jagex doesn't check for bans for a whole month so start your bots now
  11. Czar


    Unlucky, there was a massive ban wave today, more than 75% of all botters have been banned (for all bots) I guess this is the best time to start botting again, since ban waves only happen ~once a month! So start your bots guys !
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will add a delay when the npc has been detected for teleporting, (using the system from my fishing bot, which waits for a while when the current fishing spot is gone) done, refresh scripts and enjoy yep, there are many updates for thieving - it is a human-only skill, thats why there aren't many bots for thieving anywhere :P this latest update has a nice walking change, to avoid getting stuck between ardy knights etc. I can easily add closing doors after entering a room, but this leaves the bot vulnerable to bot-trappers, they can do more harm than good, and may lead to account bans, if a user comes and keeps closing the door all the time etc.
  13. Czar


    I would highly suggest not going more than 12 hours/day without mirror mode, although with the right break settings, you can potentially avoid any jmods going around manually banning people (2 day bans are from jmods running around trying to catch bots) the more time you spend on perfecting the botting style, the less bans you will get, e.g. make sure to reply to ingame chat, make sure to do some stuff inbetween botting sessions (e.g. questing, pking, selling items). I will update this post with a good breaks system
  14. Can't wait until the script is released
  15. Yes it is perfectly safe to run the script now, all it is, is a m1d1 option update, it has no effects whatsoever.
  16. Update coming up for the paint profit/hr information, thanks for feedback
  17. refresh scripts and enjoy !
  18. done, refresh scripts and enjoy ! Recently added an option for stamina potions (3) and (4)
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