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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Splash alching is not yet added, I will possibly add this in the upcoming version(s). How does it work? I will check on youtube just in case
  2. Fletching is low risk since it is a bank-related skill ^^ It's not uncommon to get 99 easily Please use stealth client until mirror gets hooks updated from last osrs ingame patch
  3. Guys please use stealth injection in the meantime, it is stable there currently until the hooks get updated after osrs update
  4. Genuinely happy and surprised that I didn't get many compile errors, time to test script logic now ^^ gj alek btw
  5. New Update (v13) - Added smith-all option and smith-all-sets option for bars -> items mode update will automatically go live within 24 hours, happy botting
  6. I honestly can't test Nechyraels they are too high req, if somebody can please tell me what to code and how to code it I will add it without testing and continually improve. I just need to know the kill strategy and where the script goes wrong since I can't test it due to not having a 80 slayer account Very high reqs.. I will post an update for safespot ASAP. Just need to test. If you can screenshot your exact script settings it would help with fixing the bug much faster so I can test exact options ^^ Which stronghold of security door? Please screenshot tile and I will re-map the path nodes ASAP. I can hotfix this so no need to wait for updates from devs For stronghold and banking, you must enable food for better results, the script works much better when it knows it has at least 1 food in the banking sequence. New Update (v212) - Updated nodes for taverley dungeon - Added more items to the item database (up to ~23k items now) for looting - Clue scroll fixes - Added 'Loot items within X tile distance' option - Potion fixes at banking - Misc improvements. Next update will be stronghold, possibly nechy improvements, cannon testing and disable spec option for all plugins and main script. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, gl guys
  7. I will look to make some humidify improvements asap, I wanted to add a small delay when banking to let the spell finish casting. The delay is anywhere between ~800-1200 milliseconds (0.8 - 1.2 seconds). I will make some changes Also guys, new update (v108) - Script has improved rune detection for determining when to stop script
  8. Agility script will be back on store within a few weeks Activated all trials gl guys sorry there is no free scripts because there is no store system to support free scripts after buying some. I am totally for the idea because it brings in more users but there's nothing I can do
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Upcoming update is for H.A.M., I had to re-write lots of the script to support customized banking. Will be adding gloves of silence re-write for dodgy necklace combo HAM is the next update for sure, apologies for the delay As for knights of ardy and re-spawns, I will investigate it when it banks, weird, maybe it's clicking on the bank due to zoomed in view? As for re-spawning npcs, so if the script just teleports away, stop the script? It is really easy if so! Confirm please. thanks for all the support and feedback guys, more updates to come
  10. Script is working with new client update, happy botting guys
  11. Script back to normal after osrs game update, gl guys. Will be posting a new update for the script very soon (improvement update for smith-all)
  12. Script is back to normal after osrs update btw, just to clarify Gl on trials guys
  13. Done gl on trials guys Script is back to normal after osrs update btw, just making it clear
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Script seems to be working and launching perfectly fine now New Update (v167) - Dodgy necklace beta mode: you can now choose how many to withdraw and it will use the necklaces up completely for better pickpocketing Update will automatically go live within 24 hours gl guys EDIT: Proof script is launching normally again:
  15. There was an osrs update, the script should launch very soon once the client gets adjusted for the new osrs update ^^ We all gotta wait patiently As for sand crabs, can you delete your perfect_rocks.cfg file in OSBot -> Data folder, it will launch fine. It has an error with loading newer items in osrs. I will update the item database again to reflect new changes. Cleared inbox, apologies I did not realize it was full. If you have any personalized requests for the script updates let me know. Same applies for bugs/errors. I am almost done with the new v212 update stay tuned guys
  16. There was an osrs update, shouldn't take too long to go back to normal ^^
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep OSBot client should go back to normal after osrs update very soon hopefully within an hour or so ^^
  18. There has been an osrs game update, all users/scripters must wait for update ^^ shouldn't take too long hopefully
  19. Abyss and normal cosmic route in Zanaris, with both shortcuts ^^
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