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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Activated trials gl guys
  2. Smelting: script only mines it doesn't smelt ore I don't understand what you're trying to say please clarify ^^ 3 tick - it will be very difficult to get it perfect but I have been attempting a beta mode for this Custom mining tile is in the upcoming update which I will be posting later today or early tomorrow, will be using hotkey to set your tile Spamming rocks, hmm if using mirror mode did you lower reaction timer to 50-100ms? It works much much better. If not, confirm please. I am doing a major improvement to the ore system and I would like to know user feedback on how it currently works and what should be changed
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Update coming up for dropping, banking and dodgy necklaces. Will be doing some test runs then pushing the new updated version ASAP Thanks for the feedback guys
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated trials, good luck guys and happy botting
  5. Hammer needs to be kept in inventory at all times, please don't drop and don't start the script without a hammer. Everything is more stable with a hammer and less confusing of course. I may add support without hammer but it just complicates everything and is too risky for the osrs ban team. Picking up hammer each time and knowing when to drop it is a human trait, I will try to make it as human as possible before I add it. That being said, stay tuned for more updates guys Lots of emphasis on anti-ban is my current mission for this script
  6. Amulet of chemistry update is underway, I needed to re-write some systems for this, I can't wait to get it in the release version
  7. Done good luck guys, post some progress reports please! ^^
  8. Superheating - turn off the 'Stop when out of runes option' it is useless now. The script automatically stops using a different system. I have added an update for it so it is less confusing, update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys As for placeholders, will be working on this for the next update Activated trials, gl guys
  9. I will need an error log if you ever encounter an error so I can fix it ASAP I am currently testing woodcutting guild and it's working fine. Try stealth injection in the meantime just in case there is a difference?
  10. Script update (v53) is now live, good luck guys Let me know if you guys want any other changes, also please specify the exact fletching option you used
  11. Got some nice features and updates on the way, stay tuned guys Also, for those of you mentioning the abyss obstacle spam clicking, it is randomized but you can't notice it with the human eye since the delay is in milliseconds, however on OSRS system it will appear completely randomized. Most decent rc'ers spam click the same place, in fact it is more botlike to click it in a different spot each time because no human does that. Humans choose one mouse position and keep clicking until they pass the obstacle. It's very easy to point and blame the script without regarding previous botting history and bot style. I do however need to add an update so that the script recognizes when to stop clicking the obstacle and continue toward the rifts. That being said I have some awesome updates to add extra anti-ban in multiple areas of the script, I am continuously adding new ideas to imitate human behavior
  12. Done good luck guys, activated trials. Happy botting
  13. Czar


    Turn off left-click option for npcs and you will never attack a guard ever, so no deaths Script can close the window, set camera zoom to default mode or far away mode, and bind the ESC key to close the interface and it works Activated trials good luck guys
  14. New Update (v230) - Crab aggro fixed across all crab types. - Safespot reaction time increased. - Return to safespot event is now prioritized over all events (if safespot is enabled). - Every single script delay now has a name assigned to it, if you would like to change it, post on thread. - Script now filters multi-combat npcs more effectively. -- If you are in a multi-combat zone you will now attack npcs already in combat. -- Lesser demon and other npcs which are single target, multi players, multi-combat, now works. - Added an option to disable multi-combat filtering - Re-attack npc after stopping attack is now optional, and is enabled by default. (e.g. potting then re-attacking same npc) - Antifire timers fixed, now counts downwards instead of upwards, should improve Brutal Black Dragon plugin significantly. - Paint overlay is now fixed 100%, no longer disappears with multiple monitors or switching client tabs. - Script now knows if you have been in combat for the first time since script launch. - Script elapsed time now starts as soon as you start the script, doesn't count while filling out the setup window. - You are now redirected to the respective plugins if you try to add a plugin npc to the global script npc list. - Stops & Notifications now added to the Task Panel tab on the setup window. - Task Panel tab now modernized and re-designed. - Added more various conditions for stops & notifications. - Added info tip to ranging mode: you can manually set arrows in the armour tab. - Breaks changes Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys, happy botting More updates coming up for v231 with updates that I may have missed.
  15. Got some nice updates, features and a few fixes coming up. Stay tuned for the full changelog guys ^^
  16. Activated trials good luck guys Also forgot to mention the new update will have King Sand Crab support and a few misc changes and improvements Alerts will be changed in the upcoming update. Almost ready
  17. Can you post screenshots of the script if it got stuck on a door? I will fix it ASAP In the meantime I will run some tests, please state which settings you used, which npcs etc.
  18. Will make some edits to the world hopper, and darts. Updates coming up
  19. Will make some edits to banking functionality. What's your banking layout like? Make sure you don't add any random items to the setup window. It should be clean, withdraw food and/or potions and no other items such as coins etc. Error logs fixed after OSRS update, should be restored Activated trials, good luck guys
  20. How would the bank fillers work, please explain it in detail and I will consider adding an update for tan leather in the next version. Spin flax, added trial good luck
  21. The script is working currently, let me know your setup and I will help you get it started As for the fishing script purchase, I have contacted the community admin hopefully we can get this sorted Activated trials, good luck guys Got some big updates coming up guys
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trials - good luck guys, happy botting Also guys, if script is calculating post a screenshot I will help you get started As for dodgy necklaces, will do a test run and add an update ASAP What's your inventory layout and settings enabled (setup window)? Rogues' Den blurred option is for the agility maze, to get the rogue outfit. I still haven't added that option yet but I am considering it. I just need an account to test with and it will progress further Safecracking is supported though Posted small update v177, certain functionality for pickpocketing and stalls. Also another update coming for v178 regarding blackjack Stay tuned Recently wrote an epic system for my fighter script, and I just realized the concept can be used in blackjack to make it more stable and expansive. EDIT: Added fight-back support for stalls too.
  23. New Update (v53) - Withdraw-All for cutting logs functionality restored after new OSRS banking update. - Task mode interface fixed. - Added shield fletching. - Arrows are now handled with the new interface. - New Bank interface now works with withdraw-all. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys
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