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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Did you remove/filter out in-game messages? The script is programmed to stop as soon as it gets the 'not enough runes' message If the message was filtered or did not show up, the script will just keep running. I will add a few extra fail-safes just to be extra safe. So sorry Please confirm too.
  2. Will add changes to the cannonball path walking system ASAP! Activated trials good luck
  3. Will try to lower the memory for the next update, in the meantime try disabling the paint using the F3 hotkey, it will increase performance. I will make it hide the rocks too, in the upcoming version, easy fix Will check out deposit boxes too, it should be patched in the next version if they haven't already been patched by the devs (in the deposit box api) As for clicking the login page? That's weird. You mean while the script is not running/logged out? Thanks guys, activated trials good luck
  4. Hmm for getting stuck, make sure to zoom out using the osrs camera, it will allow more objects on screen and make the script more stable and work better In the meantime I will make some changes to the path walking nodes ASAP. Activated all trials, good luck guys
  5. Did you try the plugin for stronghold (using the fighter script)? Nonetheless, activated trial. Good luck The fighter script is still pending update for the new stable walking system for stronghold, but this one already has it
  6. Czar


    If you get banned within a short time (less than 30 minutes) it's due to previous botting history (also called a delay ban). Make sure to review which scripts you have used in the past, and review if you have made any botting mistakes along the way (e.g. botting too much without breaks) and whatnot. Check the bans guide:
  7. Hmm also if using mirror client make sure to lower the reaction timer from 1000ms to 100ms so it runs faster, using the shift +f3/f4 keys.
  8. Done good luck on trial, latest update is now live
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done good luck guys, activated trials Glad to hear some of your responses, good job guys As for randoms, the osbot client dismisses them, no worries
  10. New Update (v78) - Added suitable delay for various potions Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys happy botting
  11. Activated trial, good luck Script store is located here: https://osbot.org/forum/store
  12. New Update (v73) - Knights' sword fixed - Added efficiency improvement (non-coal ores) no longer goes to bank after placing ore, it waits at dispenser instead - Added efficiency improvement for various interfaces - Stamina potions fixed As for refilling the bucket after taking bars, that is on the next update. I must re-write some code to allow that to happen because of the way I scripted the script at first Update coming up EDIT: If you are using mirror mode, and you want to improve the efficiency and speed of the script, please lower the client reaction timer from 1000ms to 100ms. There is a huge difference. You can lower it using the Shift + F3/F4 hotkeys. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours***
  13. You must start the script at the desired AFK tile, so make sure you are already in position before starting the script. Glad you got the script to start, but please tell me more information as to what the script is doing, pasting console logs is useful. I will help ASAP
  14. Just tested varrock west regular trees (list mode) using no other options except the tree and the tree location, started in the bank, and it walked to the trees and started woodcutting flawlessly. Can you copy + paste any console logs? And screenshot exact script setup? I will help ASAP As for trials - activated trials good luck guys
  15. Added proggy to main thread, good job Just finished up on the new walking system for this script, came along nicely Will be adding a new update very soon. It is the most stable walking system I have ever seen ^^ It will be released for update v52 (next one).
  16. Thanks guys for all the responses and suggestions. Got a few sweet updates coming up for the upcoming version ^^
  17. That's a good suggestion, will be adding higher efficiency in the upcoming version ^^ Thanks guys and happy botting Stay tuned
  18. Should be a one time error with mirror client sometimes, it will not break the script. Pause and unpause and it should be fine. Make sure to hook mirror client while logged out and then start the script while logged in, should be perfect. Also only use the default OSRS launcher no other bot clients for mirror client. Good luck guys
  19. Make sure you start the script on the tile that you want to AFK at. I will add an update so you can set the tile using the F hotkeys
  20. Thanks everyone for the comments, feedback and support. Everything has been noted and a new version update is on its way
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