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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Added results to main thread, good job Glad to hear it runs well
  2. New Update (v81) - Fixed returning back to Blast furnace after GE Restocking - Script no longer stops for coffer if you still have gp to deposit - Stamina potions are now sipped before the stamina effect expires Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys Trials activated too, good luck EDIT: Here's a small result from my farm's head account:
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys, will be doing another update today ^^ For custom fight zones - did you select 'only fight npcs in fightzone'? Other than that - the rest of your points will be updated. If you have any profiles for the cannon refilling, please post it so I can debug the exact same options and get a more accurate view of the issue. ^^ Helps with faster updates. Same applies for guthans, will be doing another update to allow it to be selectable after loading a profile. Note: it still works, but if you load a profile, it becomes unselectable for the meantime, while I add it. I thought it was fixed my apologies. Will be added in the next update ASAP As for profit being doubled/tripled or added cumulatively, please tell me exactly how I can reproduce this, so I just hop worlds and it will do that? Please confirm and I will add an update ASAP Auto-upgrade gear: I am planning on adding that in the very near future, I would say within the next 2 versions ^^ Already got the base system coded, just need to do the rest. As for trials, activated good luck guys There is another update coming so double trial times. Thanks all!
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trials good luck guys
  5. Yes super combat potions are supported, the script will drink them if they are in inventory, you can choose when to sip them in the Misc. 2 tab on the setup window. As for trials - activated good luck ^^
  6. Yep will do a small subversion update today, thanks guys
  7. Glad to hear, post some results for the main thread if you have any, that would be awesome ^^ As for Yew Long (u) will add another update bundled with the arrow/bolt/feather speed update too.
  8. Activated trials good luck guys
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated trials good luck guys
  10. Will add an update for fail-safe on the port sarim jail, including an update for swordfish and tuna. Thanks for the responses guys
  11. I'm not experiencing any bans on my main, with all due respect it seems you are not botting the correct way, especially since you are recommending free scripts, check out this guide for bans: Try not to bot on freshly made accounts, those types of accounts are the quickest to go
  12. Hmm with fast mode the delays are no higher than 70 milliseconds, I will see what I can do about making it even faster ^^
  13. New Update (v245) - Cannons are now supported with banking - Added stability update to cannonballs and save profiles - Script will no longer think it's missing items in the bank if the cannon is placed on the floor - Cannons are automatically added to banking layout for you, so no more adding it manually (if banking) - Added a fix for spellcasting and combat system - Added an update for safespotting and pathing - Added an update for ogresses, including map - Added an update for tele-grabbing, same applies to cannoning - Added support for Taverley dungeon upper blue dragons - Fixed errors for level task system (levelling evenly) - Real distance option now affects looting too - Added an update regarding looting items far away (now generates paths) - Added an update for task scheduler system - Fixed agility obstacle pipe for taverley (70 agility) - Added an update for sand crabs on crabclaw isle regarding aggro - Added an update for guthans and equipment - Equipment no longer becomes unselectable after loading a profile - Safespots and fight areas now support Z coordinates (height planes) I hope I didn't miss any updates, if I did - my apologies please post again or PM and I will work on your update/idea/bug ASAP. Will be doing a final test run and then will be pushing the update ^^ Next update is a performance update, and may include a few features/tweaks on anything I may have missed. Thanks guys for your continued support and feedback, really appreciate it ^^ And special thanks to users who are posting detailed + useful bug reports, will be considering a gift prize for you guys in the near future, makes updates so much faster and life much easier. EDIT: After this update, taverley and corsair cove dungeon profiles need to be deleted and re-made if they are not already working.
  14. Yep, I assume you are using mirror mode, it is slower than the normal client so you need to reduce the reaction timer from 1000ms to ~100ms by using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys ^^ Let me know how it goes please, confirm if it's working better or not
  15. You can't get banned for not dropping tuna, it was probably due to: multiple bots running same IP, too much botting, not enough breaks, freshly created account, or mass ban wave (or a combination), but I will get that fixed for you ASAP I will check out the code and add another update. Check out this guide for avoiding bans: As for trials - activated good luck guys, try to bot responsibly - botting isn't the same as the good old days, you gotta bot carefully now
  16. I made it run as far as possible (to the other end of the isle) but if you are in a central position it may not run far enough, I will see what I can do about the far west spot, and I will also check out runelite aggro spots thanks for the information and feedback, expect another update ASAP ^^
  17. Infernal pickaxe spec isn't supported just yet, but I will add that in the upcoming version, should be a quick addition, thanks for the idea ^^
  18. Glad to hear you got it working, thanks for the questions + answers guys, really appreciate it ^^ Happy botting!
  19. New Update (v60) - Updated teak trees on Fossil Island - Added Yew Box (woodcutting guild) to the list - Added a fail-safe for dropping logs + woodcutting - Updated the map following the Hosidius re-model - Added an emergency system if actions or tree names ever change Update will automatically go live within a few hours, good luck guys, thanks for all the feedback, responses and awesome ideas ^^
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