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Everything posted by Czar

  1. What's the problem, I will help! Easy As for alching - you don't need to bank, just note the items so you can alch indefinitely As for stun-alching and mirror, it works quicker on stealth, but with 64 bit java update 241, and reaction timer 50 ms you should see quicker mirror reactions. POH alching is safer, the bot also handles going back inside the POH if you log out, will activate a trial so you can try it out @Den Bakirtas What's the issue, I will help! Which spell are you casting? Have you hooked mirror client correctly? (Log out, restart client, stay logged out whole time, login manually then start the bot) Monk of zamorak, zoom the camera all the way in, so the randomised mouse will not accidentally misclick and go up the stairs. You shouldn't be stunalching monk of zamorak unless you have absolutely no place to stun alch, that place is a well-known botting area and you'll just get banned. With that being said I have added a way to go back down the stairs.
  2. Time to make the move.. goodbye old friend (eclipse)
  3. Posted another update (v128.0), small update! Fixes trading code.
  4. New Update (v264.0) - Edgeville trapdoor perfected, now bypasses the wall trick - Added 'spec if my health falls below X' mainly for healing weapons such as Toxic blowpipe and Saradomin Godsword - Added 'eat before looting' option, it will clear up inventory space before looting items, can be used in conjunction with 'Eat for space' option - Fixed looting bag depositing - Fixed cow/chicken pen walking, should work a lot better in this update - Fixed lumbridge staircase for .78 - Added 'auto-upgrade items/armour' in the equipment tab - Moved around a few options and added more clarity to the option text - Fixed error with task/goal levelling - Misc improvements to the script and to the setup window - Removed delays for attacking certain types of npcs - Speed changes to attacking npcs Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, fixing most of the issues mentioned in this thread. Will be posting another update for various improvements to the attack code/retaliation/busy mode, as well as an update to the crabs AFK mode. There are still a few things on my todo list for the next update, don't worry I haven't forgotten anything, next update will be arriving tomorrow! Thanks all. @Dragoon602 Hello! The bot will auto-detect food in inventory and eat it if health falls below your choice of % (configured in the setup window). If you want to withdraw food when banking, make sure to enable banking, to add a food item (click the Withdraw Item button), type the food name, then click Continue, it will then be saved as a banking item. Please let me know if I sounded confusing or not, so I can elaborate! I will explain/help in more detail, ask any question(s) please! Here is a quick demo: @Boney Guy 8 Will update in v264.1 ASAP. @Zgerstmyer don't worry about speed, leave the anti-ban to me! I got you guys covered -_-. You just make sure to use sufficient breaks and to bot responsibly, let the bot/client do the rest! Like I said before, quicker = worse, slower = safer/better. Would you want quick xp but get banned tomorrow? Nope. It's better to have slower xp and progress forward! @shepsta Will update! The fight area may have few npcs, or may be in a multi-combat zone? Does it work better if you make your fight box bigger? Please confirm! It may be hitting the backup npc finder (which has less filters on the npc). In any case I already have the update ready, will be available in v264.1.
  5. Will fix drop all option for clay, update coming up ASAP! As for trials, activated enjoy, gave double trial time since there will be an update pending for clay and dropping!
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done good luck Make sure not to have a full inventory if pickpocketing ardy knights, or pickpocketing in general, always leave a spot free, 2 if you will be having coin pouches in inv.
  7. Hmm did you have any of these options enabled? 'Allow retaliate for different types of npc' (Misc. 1) 'Don't retaliate to combat' (Misc. 1) 'Fight npcs that are already in combat' (Misc. 2) 'Re-attack targets when interrupted' (Misc. 2) Also do you have a fight zone box set up? Please confirm. In any case I will watch out for that, and investigate the code for attacking too. Also another thing can interfere is if it's a multi-combat zone or not, I will add stricter rules for attacking and/or retaliating!
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    No don't worry about that, the OSBot mouse always clicks a different X,Y coordinate for all bots (unless we overrid it in our scripts), however it may look similar to the human eye. If you want I can add more variation when clicking though!
  9. Got it, will edit those walking points ASAP, will be posting an update shortly - thanks! EDIT: I added an option for that, in the meantime please use the option called 'Old walker' it uses the pre-update walking code which is super stable and is recommended if not mining in upstairs mode. Will be editing those walking points as we speak. Will also be adding a few changes regarding to d spec timing! As well as a few other misc. changes to the core code.
  10. Will be adding both jewellery (ring of duelings etc) and fairy ring support, along with more fossil island content, just needed to re-write a few things in the code to support that. I am assuming this is for castle wars teaks or? In any case they will be available as an option in the setup window. Farming guild and fossil island is being worked on as we speak, so expect an update for that too, thanks to all user feedback above and on discord ^^
  11. Found issue, will be posting an update, bot will now also be smarter when approaching unreachable loot too, it will open the cow/chicken pens to walk/fight/loot better. Update v263.1 will automatically go live within an hour or so, just doing one final test run at cows then posting another update EDIT: Done, restart script if you are botting at cows, let me know if you run into any other issues or have any questions for the next version The bot will now more accurately walk/handle the cow and chicken pens.
  12. Will check those out, I had a request for speeding up wyrms and mountain trolls but I didn’t know it was the west trollheim ones. Do they perform an animation which delays combat? Will add an update for those right now ^^ Wyrms do that too and I made it faster in case anyone is wondering, or if anyone has a slayer task for them
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @lunapt Make sure to set mirror client's reaction timer to 50ms from 1000ms (using shift + f3/f4 key), mirror is slower than the normal client but it's also safer so there's a trade-off. If you prefer speed then stealth injection is better. In the meantime I will do some workarounds in the upcoming update for dropping. Are you doing drop 1 or drop all? Please confirm! I may only be able to drop-all quicker, due to client limitations on mirror. Update coming up As for trials activated enjoy! Blackjacking - Will add some more failsafes, my next objective there is to have auto-luring too, including lowering the chances of making the npcs aggressive. All being worked on as we speak! Thanks for the suggestions/feedback, usually I only get vague feedback on blackjacking ^^ Also since I mentioned blackjacking (to avoid breaking the rules) - obligatory disclaimer: blackjack is not part of the official script, it is not advertised in the thread and there is no real support for blackjack, do not buy the script for blackjack.
  14. You were super super lucky with that 2 day ban, others would have definitely gotten a perm ban. I will do some anti-ban + behaviour refreshes right now ^^ Also make sure to use more breaks, switch up botting activity from time to time etc, you did the right thing by talking in-game, that may have contributed to only a 2 day ban instead of perm. What were you crafting? If lavas, did you enable any options in the antiban setup? EDIT: Also have you considered doing master/worker runecrafting? Can get away with no botting, only workers that are botting instead, so main is clear. But I would only recommend on no botting history accounts to be 100% sure
  15. Just updated the speed after attacking, latest preview (notice speed after finishing looting): Next update will have quicker looting too! Note: bear in mind, slow = better, but I want to make sure you are all satisfied, I highly recommend slower actions to save your accounts in the long-run, it's safer with bans. So this will be 100% completely optional in the setup menu!
  16. Czar

    Hello :)

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back @Oliver!
  17. It should be withdrawing camelot tab after getting 30 smithing, did you have a camelot teleport in bank? Please confirm! I just posted an update for the banking layout when initially starting the questing stage. Update v94.1 should be live soon!
  18. Glad you like it, enjoy! Activated trials good luck guys
  19. I will help! It's simple, no need to be rude! Let me know what you are having problems with. Here is a quick demo of how cows run: (Options used: Kill Cow (added nearby not from name), Added Cowhide to loot, 'Wait for loot' enabled, Bank when loot full) @Zgerstmyer I don't understand if you're trolling or flaming, post a config/save of your settings, explain your 'issue' properly so I can edit/tweak the bot to perform how you want it. Stop being rude, and be more informative otherwise I can't understand what you want. You keep saying the bot is too slow, then the bot is too fast, what do you want? List everything you want changed in one post, and then it's added 100%. In the above pic - where do you see the bot clicking so fast on the next npc? It's performing so well here, same applies to the guy who said it can't kill and loot cows, what is it doing in this pic? Post a screenshot of the settings you used so I can imitate your setup and know what your problem is. I do tolerate everything, I encourage users to be nitpicky and find every small/bad detail about the bot so I can consistently improve the quality, but don't be rude, that's all! I am glad to hear that looting has improved since 0.1 version ago though, more changes/tweaks coming up Will be posting updates ASAP, thanks for the clear and concise list @gashwagon ^^ EDIT: As for brass key/hill giants, yep the bot will know how to get there, with and without the key, just make sure to let the bot know that you are bringing the key with you and set the bank to grand exchange. Start the bot at hill giants for optimal stability. Activated a trial so you can test it out As for trials, activated good luck You won't get banned training slayer, it's too dynamic to be profiled. Will also add a feature to choose what % to spec at, should be perfect for SGS healing As for eat for loot option, it will only eat when inventory's full, but I will add a condition (like the bank condition) for this, containing a few options such as: eat before looting item, eat when inventory full, eat before npc dies. I am open to more suggestions! If you want help or anything related to the bot, please add me on discord where I am online 24/7.
  20. Done, good luck! Try 81 ore mode for the new update :)
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