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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Oo nice! Welcome back nice to see some OG members around here xD
  2. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    No problem And don't worry I have 2 accounts now I will be releasing a version without MM2 banking, then the version after that will have banking I just want to release mm2 quicker that's all, I can't wait xD
  3. Yes sure done added enjoy!
  4. Oo I am so sorry for being confusing lol I admit I haven't done gold in a long time I usually do mith-runite so I may have forgotten a few stuff xD
  5. Ty, I am a bit confused though, I thought smiths gloves (i) acted as ice gloves? Can you explain please Right now the bot is programmed to switch between ice gloves (or smithing gloves (i)) and goldsmith gauntlets I am happy to make any changes, I'll test with goldsmith gauntlets and smithing gloves just to make sure jagex didn't break anything, if anything, I'll release a new version ASAP.
  6. Awesome welcome back - nice to see some OG members around here xD
  7. I will take care of that for you - can you confirm which smithing gloves you have? The bot currently switches Goldsmith gauntlets -> Ice gloves or Smith gloves (i)
  8. Core Coding Principles SOLID Principles Rust programming course I would vote for these three ^^
  9. Awesome Glad you got it working yeah jarfix usually does the trick
  10. Sure, done enjoy Also welcome to the community btw xD
  11. Yes I am working on hunter guild atm, there are no promises it will be 100% but I will always give it my best, as usual Hey nice to see ;D sure, done added the mining bot enjoy I'm glad you haven't given up on botting, it's really fun
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