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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes done trial is active enjoy!
  2. On the second box for breaks/botting did you add a random value or did you enter 0? It should be something like 40 - 60 (top row) and 20 - 30 (bottom row) otherwise breaks won't activate
  3. Done enjoy Please bot responsibly!
  4. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done gl guys! Be sure to bot responsibly
  5. Will take a look right now! Should be back online within a couple mins Thanks to Token btw
  6. Awesome I'll take another look at the code just in case and see if there needs any updating. I've been using screen mode lately xD EDIT: Also guys forgot to mention there will be a nice release in the coming days - we've managed to build some code that helps prevent bans even more ^^ I'm at ~83 woodcutting and still going strong with f2p
  7. Should be back up, any luck? We just went over this with staff some scripts weren't launching but they should be good now ^^ Also trials enabled gl guys
  8. Are there any errors in the console logger, or is it trying to go bank for some reason? Also do you have [upgrade axe] enabled btw?
  9. Done should be launching on mirror properly
  10. Just noticed that too, should be back online in a couple mins
  11. Has been replaced by my fighter but this bot will be making a comeback in 2021 since it's cheaper and a nice place to train ^^ All users who have purchased this will get lifetime updates as usual, however new users will not be able to buy this experiments script yet until we re-launch it.
  12. I'll give those a look now, will make some tweaks in the code for you guys
  13. Update went live gl guys @italics @MugShot lemme know if you guys need any more help or if you have any suggestions/ideas for future updates!
  14. Will take another look I thought it was patched I tried red dragons and it worked fine let me make another update so sorry about this guys. EDIT: Fixed, just posted update v37.0 it'll automatically go live within a couple hours. All dragonhide leather crafting is now improved, no longer banks the hides each loadout.
  15. Which settings you try? I'll help EDIT: Found an issue with non-pouch mode - fixed. Update v151.0 will automatically go live within a couple hours. All three modes are now working much better, and there is no more freezing. !! Also guys quick sneak peek for blood & soul runecrafting:
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