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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Update posted, should automatically go live within a couple hours. Latest version is now v70.0
  2. Authed aio fighter so you guys can use the sand crabs on the fighter until we figure out why it's not launching
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I've tried making it as random as possible, I'll make some more changes to the camera
  4. Glad to hear it's running smooth Spec - I'll take a look now, do you have regular dragon axe or dragon axe (or) or something similar?
  5. I'll message staff to see what happened, should be back to normal shortly, trial extended to 48hr
  6. Will take a look at this now, yesterday I posted an update regarding plugins and mouse offscreen so it may have interfered. Will post another one today
  7. Not yet I will message you personally as soon as it's released. I will be as quick as possible - so sorry for the delay.
  8. I'll take a look at this. I highly highly recommend choosing rocks from screen. The list mode is more of a guideline, should be much better for point 1. Originally that is supposed to say [Mining guild (expanded)] and it should be going south to the members side of the mining guild, so I'll make changes to the coordinates there today. As for custom standing tile, I'll take a look at this one too today, will add some delays and more natural walking for it. As for trials - activated enjoy, another release is underway.
  9. Done gl This bot is also being featured on my youtube botting series ^^ I'm working on some nice updates regarding better walking system and camera system too.
  10. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done enjoy, new update coming tonight regarding some more improvements and some QoL stuff too.
  11. Will take a look ASAP and post a new release for 154.0 today. Must be the new rewrite/setup window not updating or something, should be easy fix EDIT: Done posted update v154.0 it should automatically go live within a couple hours, enjoy everyone
  12. This used to happen to me but it got fixed lately, I'll try and find some temporary solutions in the meantime. Back then I had to do a custom class like this: public class ModalDialog extends JDialog { } and implement a custom JDialog but I understand it's too much effort and probably not worth it. Just worth mentioning!
  13. Yes will do! Same goes with rune/addy dragons an update will be added for those too (regarding the gate/barriers too) Not yet but I'll keep this in mind, same with non-mm2 chinning if that's still viable (for those who haven't completed mm2)
  14. Czar


    I would recommend doing longer breaks imo, 2 hours is the sweet spot for me xD edit: also which other skills you botting? and was the ban a temp ban or perm?
  15. Trial activated it should be in the client good luck sir
  16. I will take a look at this now EDIT: And any issues in other furnaces e.g. edgeville? I will see if the location is causing issues so I can fix both.
  17. I'll head over there and take a look then post a code update @StarCraftSniper managed to get it to work better? Also have been working on some nice fish + cook plugins so you guys should be seeing a new plugin in the next version.
  18. I don't think it's possible since I think Camaro released a standalone Giant Mole Killer script and it'd interfere with market rules Thank you sir you are a legend Much respect. I hope you made some epic gains so far Also guys just posted a small update for .4 of the bot, more to come!
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