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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Amazing Here is the screenshot embedded 7 more levels until vyres
  2. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Sad to hear about a bug, looks that may have slipped by me and the testers. Will be posting an update ASAP @Safehaven! Thanks for the support guys it means a lot, I will be adding a couple updates then giving 24 hr trials once the new update goes live
  3. Fixed, this was Jagex update not my script, should be back to normal now. This happens when mirror isn't loaded properly, you need to close all clients and start over. If possible try login p2p world from the beginning - it should 100% work once mirror is loaded Could take a couple tries but the best way is to let both clients hook together before logging in/starting the mlm script. I believe this is a safety system that I coded just to ensure stability, I can disable it but would not be safe. EDIT: Just in case anyone/scripter is wondering: Trials added gl guys enjoy
  4. I noticed the thing where we pause the bot while its doing an action and the mouse just jumps everywhere, I think this is a universal osbot thing. I think it's possible to spam pause to stop it immediately, not sure. I usually let the bot do its current action before pausing just to be safe ^^ As for dropping phantom items (aka items that have been already been dropped), could potentially point to the mirror reaction timer, I'll set it to 100ms (aka the detection rate). Can I ask if you are using a VM/Sandboxie/VPS? Not included this one has regular mining, motherlode is entirely different. I usually do 1-30 here, then 30-91ish at mlm, then back to mining here (amethyst) until 99. Made a lot of profits with it too
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yup I had the same error we're on the same page. We just waiting on my update to be approved now it'll go back to normal within a few hours Ty for patience ^^
  6. This has been happening for years I believe, only solution is to avoid using item names and only use item ids. The problem is amplified with multiple tabs per client. EDIT: I really hope this does get fixed btw I've been the most vocal about this in both scripter dev chats
  7. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Np lmk whenever you're ready to have another 24 hr trial
  8. Done added trial gl sir enjoy
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Using rune pouch? I have seen this error, will be fixing ASAP. If not rune pouch then it must be something else, feel free to copy paste the logs (bottom right of client) just so I can see if there's an error. EDIT: Submitted new version (v235.0) both feedback addressed in this update, will be available automatically within <24 hrs.
  10. Done gl both of you. Was going to post a screenshot of my double nat accounts but I'm going to be more careful on public forums, join our discord for help
  11. Ty swift update coming =D @lilchance I will take a look at that asap. Could be placeholder issue is what I'm guessing, update coming up I just saw this, any luck since then btw? Maybe you found a fix/workaround while I see what went wrong. Trials added enjoy
  12. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done you now have the bot in your client glgl
  13. Done added trial gl sir enjoy Gold rings and emmy necklaces doing super well these days
  14. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Do fletch until you get higher woodcut levels then you will easily get points. I recommend equipping steel axe, tinderbox + knife in inventory, randomise south, repair when nearby, avoid snowfalls and you should be solid with these settings. Have seen some people go 50-99 in one sitting on youtube, so it definitely works well ^^ Hey there thanks for support it means a lot Done authed trial, there is no support for solo just yet but I will do some research on it and consider adding. I always listen to suggestions/requests xD
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will take a look, yep it's experimental but I will try my best EDIT: Submitted v234.1 should work better, update automatically goes live within 24hr
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Added trial gl sir Agility pyramid is finished, currently in testing stage I can't wait to release it publicly so we can all use it
  17. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Done added trial enjoy
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Glad to hear it's working better, enjoy! Also guys I am announcing a new update for the thieving bot, we have re-written the script to allow more features: New Update (v234.0) - Added task mode, progressive levelling - Added custom break slider - Added scheduler to tell the bot to stop at X condition - Pickpocketing now has a new input (choose exact loc) - Added webwalker to all modes of thieving so you can start anywhere Update will automatically go live within <24 hours, enjoy
  19. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    How about now? dn’t forget to refresh scripts
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Ok something is not right can you tell me if you're using a vm or hyper-v enabled on your machine? Or tell me specs (ram/cpu) The bot should not be misclicking that hard, or maybe just luck. Either way I'll add another safety patch for deposit box. Very strange I've seen some people go 70+ hrs non-stop without misclicks like that EDIT: Looks like we have an anti-fail with deposit box but it can take up to 60 seconds to realise it, I'll reduce the delay. And yeah seers is best until 80 then rellekka to 90, ardy from there. Or straight prifddinas from 75 to 99 like I did on my main
  21. Use new mouse with mirror, dw about hardware mouse unless you are using stealth injection, you'll need all the help you can get with stealth, but mirror is fully undetected atm, you'll basically show up as using the regular osrs client when jagex sees your account, super safe ^^ The hardware mouse option has a safety feature that terminates the script as soon as you move the mouse with your hand, so we either turn hardware mouse off, or we avoid using the mouse by hand (which means we can't select rocks manually and have to use list mode)
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