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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yeah sorry to hear that but don’t worry the bot can easily get that 300k back in like a few hours, the setup asks you which loot do you want to keep if you don’t click coins it will drop them. Maybe its easy to miss this, I’ll make the font bigger then :))
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thank you, I always appreciate feedback, maybe I can make it auto-select keep if there are a few items - else how would this work for master farmers? There are like 30+ stuff to un-tick for keep/drop, can be exhausting lol. As for blackjacking yeah usually it should hop worlds to find a better world so that it can find npcs, I'll increase the npc detection distance maybe the target npc was too far away, can happen if starting far away but it's an easy fix
  3. Hey bro welcome I gave you 24 hr trial so you can experiment, I can always add more features if necessary. It has gargoyles and banking too :)) But the setup is very complicated so if you ever have any questions or need any help I'm always available and happy to help. Also feel free to join discord for more personalised help.
  4. Awesome!! Glad to hear :))
  5. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Ah I get it now, ty and sure, done enjoy :))
  6. I just refreshed still pending, should be available soon I am guessing 1-2 hours maybe, I'll edit this post when it's live So sorry for the wait!
  7. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    Sure, update coming up EDIT: New Update (v14.0) - Added option to either walk directly on safespot, or wall-walk like on youtube for MM2 mode Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, enjoy :)) Also guys I am still working on mm2, it's released as beta but I'm hoping to make it flawless with tunnel solving too.
  8. I will take care of this, tysm. New update releasing within few hours. EDIT: New Update - Added stability patch for Gnome benches -- Also extends to regular dining benches More updates to come Update will automatically go live within 24 hrs enjoy :)) Am currently testing dungeon doors for next release!
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will help, it's really easy to avoid bans just need to adjust the way you bot, and be careful it's also possible to be delaybanned from previous botting. Did you bot anything before this, in the last 7 days? Also are you using any vpns or proxies? 1 hour is far too quick, and quick bans are usually from IP address
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hey bro good idea, I'll make it stick to one stall when less than 20% run energy, how's this?
  11. Hello There are no reqs, but the best way is 43 prayer and at least 60 range for good results. Some people like to start at low level and train up. I am working on adding progressive levelling and muling at the moment :)) I gave you a 24 hr trial enjoy
  12. Hey sure, done added enjoy It supports the sandstone grinder for ironmen ;D
  13. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    Hey bro tysm for the support For that feature it's part of my ban prevention code, I don't usually like to reveal these things for safety purposes but here's my train of thought: I made it intentionally walk inside the wall - following a youtube guide they said it's the best and safest way (to avoid misclick walks) to do it. Then I thought most players would also follow that guide, and then wanted to make the bot more humanlike and copy their playstyle so it doesn't get profiled and banned. Hope this makes sense, if anything, I can always remove this and make it optional
  14. Hey there sure, done added enjoy Hope you enjoy Tysm btw I really appreciate the kind words and support, I'm happy you like the fighter bot :))
  15. Done enjoy EDIT: This minigame seems to be going well, will post some screenshots of my progress recently :))
  16. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Tysm Means a lot, I got more updates on the UX to make it even better Done added all trials enjoy :))
  17. Sure thing, done enjoy gl sir :))
  18. Czar

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Hey bro tysm I will add a new update for both chins and falconry so they work even better, update v40.0. EDIT: Done :)) fixed. Also added banking mode for antelopes, get in that sweet 2m/hr!!
  19. It was related to onedrive usually moving osbot jar to a different directory like d drive or sometimes even desktop it ends up working, good idea btw we should update the threads and add more FAQ and solutions
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