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Everything posted by Czar

  1. The main key is having as little interaction with bots as possible, try and aim for account builder scripts first, then questing, and then you can start pursuing your favourite methods. Personally I am addicted to rcing/thieving/blast furnace atm, and my strategy is just build as many accounts as possible, bot them for as long as possible (24/7) and if they get banned they will just be replaced with more accounts These days bans are super low so it's not as tedious as it sounds xd
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Tysm for the support means a lot you guys are literally the best I am working hard for you guys to have the best outcomes in botting And done added trials enjoy
  3. Bot takes breaks, you have two options to choose from either the bot's built-in breaks or the client breaks here: Then you can choose how many minutes to stay logged in for, and how many minutes to break for If you'd like more help I'd be happy to teamview or show you more screenshots
  4. Sure I can add that, good idea Also guys finally added Ancient Essence mining to the bot, I promised this few weeks back, lmk how it goes New Update (v186.0) - Added Ancient essence mining in Ghorrock Cave update will automatically go live within 24 hrs enjoy Next update will be a new and improved system for runite mining + time tracker, new plugins, new combined ore like (coal + mith + addy + rune), and more hopping options
  5. Use any account builder script, then pursue individual methods, e.g. I'm running gotr after tutorial, then abyss for moneymaking
  6. new mouse is finally default hoooo yes
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    The minigame nobody has a bot for the brimhaven minigame yet, maybe I will give it a try
  8. based fury shark best shark too bad theres no fury angler or we're out of business
  9. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Done fixed rune pouch repair runes in v13.2, update will automatically go live within few hours (for temporary workaround it's still possible to use npc contact + rune pouch) just worth mentioning while we wait for the update to go online
  10. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Amazing progress so far you're a champ Keep up the good work Trials added enjoy And yea the script gets all the reqs for you @Imbadatosrs no quests needed, just some cash or logs (for 1-50 fm) and the bot will either fm your logs at ge or buy more logs at ge and fm them, then buys food, armour, jewellery, and gets 99 fm
  11. Yes sure, here is the file: https://pastes.io/raw/lacvxz1gka It should be saved as a text file, and placed in C:/users/my_pc_name/osbot/data/perfectfighter/profiles enjoy im trying to add this, super popular method so i really need it for myself too it will be finished in v327.0 Hey Legend tysm for the support, and yes I love this idea, I'll add this to all my scripts, including the setup window Keep up all the good work champ Ty for logs, noted I'll be replacing the deathwalk (grave) code for the death office handler ASAP
  12. Done fixed, also I forgot to mention please run the bot in normal/classic resolution, if you're on fullscreen or resized it will work differently I will confirm for you, just lmk what you mean by lunars, lunar bank or a spell or a certain crafting mode? Please confirm
  13. Done added all trials gl guys
  14. Done added all trials gl guys
  15. Done added trials gl guys @Mewap Use stealth injection, select [new mouse] and take multiple breaks per hour you'll see huge difference, helps prevents bans a lot ^^
  16. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Done added trial enjoy
  17. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Hey there, tysm for the kind words it means a lot to me I have noted this down, I'll add some improvements to the code ASAP. Good find Will work better in the new version. And my apologies, the GIM option is still new I only used it for a short while xD Legend, keep up the good work Tysm, I'll add a fix for rune pouch + npc contact ASAP. If you remember, can you tell me if they were unconventional runes like combo runes (mist/steam etc) or normal? I recommend having rune pouch with npc contact runes already inside for best results. New version coming! I usually recommend breaking at anything below 8 games, randomly, this has worked super well for me, I personally don't do no-breaks like most people because I like to play the long game Activated all trials, gl guys enjoy
  18. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Done added trials enjoy
  19. @Super Mikey Sucks I recommend using stealth injection these days it's really good + breaks + new mouse, you'll see a dramatic difference. Also dw too much, it's possible to unban the acc so easily these days I just unbanned 4 great runecrafters last week And tysm for the support it means a lot Free 24 hr trials all activated, gl guys
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Ty for confirm, it's always good to zoom out camera so the bot can see everything in view, but I will add better support for all zoom types
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