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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done added trials gl guys
  2. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Oh guys I just realised. If you don't have the runecrafting level to use/fill a pouch, the bot will not fill it. So if you have a giant pouch (75 rc req) and you only have 50 rc, the bot will not use it otherwise it will just be botlike (clicking a pouch that you can't use)
  3. Nothing changed or broke it should continue working as normal, please restart client Added all trials gl guys enjoy
  4. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Very strange I never seen this problem before, do you have [shift click to drop] enabled in RS settings tab? Or is it turned off. I usually send hundreds of bots to gotr and they never run into this problem. Also another question, do you run the bot in normal resolution or resized/fullscreen? Please confirm I will make sure it works on your PC 100% Yessir, done added trial enjoy You should see the guardian bot inside your osbot client now.
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Lot of people have made billions from this script, if you ever need any help I'm always available to help you. If jagex breaks something or anything goes wrong I will always fix it Blackjacking isn't supported sorry, says on main thread for years now Sure added trial enjoy Elves are really good $$ Select keep coins, and keep 1-2 free inventory spaces so that the bot won't go bank. The game does not let you pickpocket with a full inventory, so the bot goes bank to empty out the inventory. Please lower the food count a little more, do not have a full inventory at any point in time. There is physically no way to pickpocket with a full inventory. Similar as above? Keep 1-2 (ideally 3) inventory spaces free else the game won't let you pickpocket Yes sure Using CLI? Please dm me your params I'll help you out. If not using CLI then maybe setup is wrong, I can send you my settings although there really shouldn't be any wrong settings unless you combined multiple options that conflict with eachother The bot equips vyre noble outfit, please confirm if you have these. Usually a mistake I see is people bringing regular vyre outfit (not vyre noble) which is wrong for vyres. Hey mate ty for feedback I'll release a new update to make the bot move camera up and no more side to side, how's that?
  6. Just replied to you in private messages I sent you my strategy for my runecrafting bot army too enjoy Added all trials guys gl @methed it should be in death's office if you got pked during abyss, I usually select the option [collect items from deaths office] and the bot will automatically re-equip and continue botting xD also amazing progress in the discord big shoutout to @Maldesto
  7. Yea my priority is quests that aren't supported by other questers just to offer some variety and not be a copycat
  8. Czar

    Pets IRL

    magnificent cock you got there
  9. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done added all trials enjoy!
  10. There is a free 7qp quester, and only 1 premium quester, because everyone is too afraid to release one I believe. I am working on a quester to prove my S3 rank again tho
  11. Script update went live few days ago forgot to mention it's live Yes sure I like that worldhop option, I'll add one similar to my fighter script hop on X players around, how's that Added all trials enjoy!
  12. I will add tanning to the task queue, ty for suggestion and gratz on 99 Also guys yesterday's update went live, more to come! Added all trials enjoy Yes I do have a discord it's in the main thread post or in my signature
  13. Done added trial enjoy! Done added trial enjoy! This bot had varrock tabs before but I added mine cart because it's better (and free), I will add a choice so you can choose which travel you like, including varrock tabs/ring of wealth/mine cart.
  14. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Done added all trials gl guys enjoy!
  15. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done added all trials very nice work on the 99s keep up the good work
  16. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    I will be releasing a new version tonight Trials enabled please check inside client not forum, the bot will appear there
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trials enjoy
  18. 69 nice for me i did like 5 osbot commits in a single day am sure token wasnt happy that day
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